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I'm home now minus a tooth. Now going to take some tylenol and lay down for awhile.
I hate dentist man LOL, Had have so many out they say smoking is bad for my gums.
No way I am giving up smoking or getting stoned.
Chill and rest grobro.
This is how I tier for a seedling plug...I fill the center of the pot about a fist deep wth living seedling mix then push the cup into the mix about as deep as the piece I cut off,then fill that with seedling mix...This way the seeds are well established and by days 15-20 I then start to water outside of the cup..The seedling mix contains composted cow manure,worm casings,humus, a small shot of grow granules etc that have been broken down so it provides the young plant plenty of food source along with it's own energy supply to carry it until it starts to anchor down in the composted soil below.

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