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Good Morning [HASHTAG]#livestoners[/HASHTAG] :bighug: @9bear :bighug:

Good Morning @Mossy and A.F.N .
Great day for the race . The human race that is . A new group on Facebook . " Autoflower Growers Association " looking for membership ?? I don't think I want my name published on an other public forum's unless I'm prepared to be spammed and other unsavory results like I already am . Yes I'm already a private member of a group on Facebook . Maybe it's somebody from here stretching their wings but I'll be passing . I'm a happy camper here . :biggrin:

Got no Idea on social media I have knocked your post through for @Son of Hobbes to look at.

Do you Think it is someone from AFN approaching you...?
Postal services like USPS and Canada Post have a new wrinkle now , Instead of tracking your package it's shown as being " In Transit " saves answering a lot of embarrassing questions like " where's my package " well shit man it's " In Transit " or better yet " It's in customs for the next month or longer until we decide you can have it " . :rofl:
Good Morning [HASHTAG]#livestoners[/HASHTAG] :bighug: @9bear :bighug:

Got no Idea on social media I have knocked your post through for @Son of Hobbes to look at.

Do you Think it is someone from AFN approaching you...?
No I wasn't approached but I thought the name was close enough that they may be trying to recruit members . The name of the founder is on their Facebook page . :thumbsup:
Bubblegum 33 days flower


No I wasn't approached but I thought the name was close enough that they may be trying to recruit members . The name of the founder is on their Facebook page . :thumbsup:

@9bear ....I'll drop that off Hobbsey List the huh?...

There must be Hundreds of similar named groups on social fact I Think there is an AutoFlowernetwork on FB that is absolutely Nothing to do with AFN either..

I wouldn't worry your head about it....:pighug:
@9bear ....I'll drop that off Hobbsey List the huh?...

There must be Hundreds of similar named groups on social fact I Think there is an AutoFlowernetwork on FB that is absolutely Nothing to do with AFN either..

I wouldn't worry your head about it....:pighug:
Just how mad was budelee anyhow . :rofl:
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