I've been doing the total opposite. Giving 24/0 since day 1 and with as much lights as possible. Even when i switch off lights for 2-3 hours daily, its when the girls are given direct morning sunlight.
When you do this, does it need to be total darkness? Do you see results only after 1-2 weeks or are they noticeable after a day or two? Have you tried other combos such as 14/10 etc?
This is how im just finishing them. Im lucky and have a storage room with a huge window so Im just putting them in there the last few weeks there alive. they get about 12 hours sunlight.
Sorry for so many questions. I find it very intriguing.
Have you heard or tried sticking a knife through the main bottom stem a few days before harvest? I read that it gives fat fat buds too.
thats just stressing the plant.. You stabbed her!!!

Don't stab your plants people... Damn Hippies and their ways!!
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