Eclectic Elle
Keeper Of The Jars of Joy
Hey folks, hope everyone's well, just popping in quickly because I'm shattered - not a very good day at work today.
Are you getting any Sweet Candy - does the company in Brum stock it as well as the MC?
to everyone!
I opened a Post Office bank account for precisely that reason. My bank's nearest branch now is only 3 miles away, but I have to pay to park. The post office is walking distance.S
ive got to make a 1.5 hour journey to put money in the bank to pay for more Megacrop. Web banking has closed ALL our local banks. 30 miles on the fucking bus.
Are you getting any Sweet Candy - does the company in Brum stock it as well as the MC?
I had to reconcile myself to it. It's not easy and I always shed tears, but I can do it. I had to cull all my quail at one point because they were fighting and pecking each other's eyes out, that was pretty grim.OH i know mossy!! Its not easy to cull them out....thats it exactly...they are awesome majestic birds and by the time you know the sex you have a connection with them...the problem is if you get 2 dozen layer eggs and 8 of them are males, there is gonna be problems down the road!! Alot of food to feed over the course of the winter!!
*sigh* I always wanted a house with a bit of land, just a quarter acre or so, but it's so expensive in the UK. We could buy one, but then I'd have to work to bring in some money and I'd end up with no time to enjoy it. Where's the "good life" in that?Yeah..we were in the town for about 10 years with only a paved patio ......the house stands empty and we stay down here in the cabin...
...being on the land just feels so much better...