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These are the properties I would love to metal detect!
I'm getting deja vu again. @Padawan1972 !!! we've had this discussion like 3 times now! I just wish I had a better detector, the one my GF let me use is for shi7.
Has he got any cows? You can get the spores mail order.:biggrin:

Nope...funny just don't see cows here...I Think it might be too hot for them...:biggrin:...can you image the lace full of mushies..I'd be so monied I'd be getting a Ferrari................................................tractor............


Boom...Ferrari sky jump v95 :vibe:
I fudged a seedling yesterday. Damnit. waste of a good bean. I thought I had two out of three germinated, then the third one popped up. But I was spraying for fungus gnats and carelessly blasted one of them, and this morning it's looking pretty bad. Oh well, at least it's its only a few days old and one of three..
What did you hit it with?
Yeah..we were in the town for about 10 years with only a paved patio ...:headbang:...the house stands empty and we stay down here in the cabin...:biggrin:...being on the land just feels so much better...
I wish I can move but with my work not for good few years.
Just noticed something rather odd..

Since last night, I have been fighting the pH inside the res. Couldn't figure out why it was jumping to over 6.5 when the solution I was adding was 5.6. Every time I added more solution I would have to drop in pH down an hour later.

So naturally I assumed the problem was in the res, and gave some thought to doing a flush. Thing is, I just did a full flush a few days ago... So on a whim I checked the fresh solution I was adding to the tank. It was pH 6.8.

What I don't understand is how it changed. It was sealed in a plastic bottle.

Normally, I keep the solution in the tent so it will be at about the same temperature as what is already in the tank. It's in a clear bottle and under the full brunt of 20 hours a day of the grow lights.

I am wondering if the light somehow contributed to this?

So I've thrown away the container I was using and now with a new bottle, I've mixed 2 litres of 5.6 pH. I'm going to check it in an hour to see if it's changed. Honestly it never occurred to me to check the already mixed and adjusted solution, so I wonder how long this has been going on... Any ideas?
I killed a 1st year apple that way a few years ago. I though it would be ok though because the lights were at 30 inches, plenty of air flow... but the top of seedling is looking mushy and bent over now. It damped off, the apple had fried leaves from full sun that day. So this may be a result of the gnats and not the spray, but it's sure curious timing. I still think it's the spray and light combo.
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