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No problem man , it works I know lol! If you take weed out to smoke after this , it will dry out super fast ! So don’t leave it sitting around , it’ll get a little harsh & burn fast .
with my first grow, which was the one just before my current ones, I hung them up in a 20%RH tent for several days before jarring them dry. @Waira set me straight on that pretty quick, and the last two jars I managed to get them hydrated enough to bring back some flavor. Not ideal, but better than the two jars that I just consumed immediately.
with my first grow, which was the one just before my current ones, I hung them up in a 20%RH tent for several days before jarring them dry. @Waira set me straight on that pretty quick, and the last two jars I managed to get them hydrated enough to bring back some flavor. Not ideal, but better than the two jars that I just consumed immediately.

20% ouch....dry quick in that RH!!
Firing up a vape bag of some mephisto 24c from the last round in the stealth cabinet...1.5 gallons promix-hp pulled 84 grams dry


with my first grow, which was the one just before my current ones, I hung them up in a 20%RH tent for several days before jarring them dry. @Waira set me straight on that pretty quick, and the last two jars I managed to get them hydrated enough to bring back some flavor. Not ideal, but better than the two jars that I just consumed immediately.

The only thing worse than drying in ultra low RH is drying in ultra high Rh!!!!!
with my first grow, which was the one just before my current ones, I hung them up in a 20%RH tent for several days before jarring them dry. @Waira set me straight on that pretty quick, and the last two jars I managed to get them hydrated enough to bring back some flavor. Not ideal, but better than the two jars that I just consumed immediately.
Yeah man , drying & curing are just as important as the grow . My dad been growing out doors since the 70’s & he just threw that shit in a box to dry with no cure lol! I’m currently trying to get him into indoor organic with cobs & break old habits, should be fun lol!
20% ouch....dry quick in that RH!!
And dry they did... Still got me high, but tasted like crap. Extracts weren't so bad. Still no flavor, but at least it didn't stab my throat on the way down.
Yeah man , drying & curing are just as important as the grow . My dad been growing out doors since the 70’s & he just threw that shit in a box to dry with no cure lol! I’m currently trying to get him into indoor organic with cobs & break old habits, should be fun lol!

A good friend of mine(grower with over 50 year experience), was hesitant on my methods, until he saw what they can he wants me to do anything i want to his plants because he sees what it does!! Advance techniques to many old schoolers are hard to see,,,, until the results come out and then many/most become believers!!

3 plants

4 plants.JPG
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