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Agreed. Perhaps that's why since we choose to open our minds and let it react to things without prejudice and bias, we can all appreciate music for what it is, not where it came from. It's hard to explain, and me being stoned isn't helping...

Music is in itself it's own language. It's own culture. It transcends the lines we draw in the sand. It's better than us.
lol :LikeWeed:
Agreed. Perhaps that's why since we choose to open our minds and let it react to things without prejudice and bias, we can all appreciate music for what it is, not where it came from. It's hard to explain, and me being stoned isn't helping...

Music is in itself it's own language. It's own culture. It transcends the lines we draw in the sand. It's better than us.

It is indeed our "Automatic Fix"

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