wish i had caught the partys of the late 80's when they were 10000's strong, by the mid 90's when i found rave it had change into cocain club fulled house partys or dirty techno acid partys. I chose the acid
...out of all of them, any Sarracenia family is great,.. Sundews are easy,.. Flytraps should pose little challenge to your skills either,... there are some fantastic cultivars of Venus Fly traps, just hard to find,... California Carnivores is the primary source around here,...
Now I know we're staying put for a while, I could set up a half barrel sunken pond with marsh round it. I'm liking that idea. Will mossies be attracted to the pitchers? We hate those things with a vengeance... too many years of living on reclaimed marshland and getting bitten to shit...
not got into the flowers but I'm now on my secound year of peppers and chillie's. We have got the kids into the gardening, they are still young enough to want to help out.
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