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cheers mate

righto everyone you all have a great day night 420 I'm gone( off with the fairies) had fun so thanks too all
good nite:poof:

Thank you for Adding to the arty @redeye jedi ..sleep tight...
(Something Different)
AFN: Hall of Heroes Spotlight:

Mossy aka "Aunty Mossy"

Our AFN Leader aka "the Boss"

Here's a huge shout out to our Host and Leader Aunty Mossy!! :D wOOp WooP

Not only is Aunty M our good friend and mentor - It may be news to some of our members that Aunty Mossy is actually one of the original Pioneering autoflower breeders that helped take something amazing (yet mediocre .... lowryder 1) and create a masterpiece that no doubt helped pave the future for the autoflowers that we have today.

A huge cheer for Aunty Mossy on 420. We literally wouldn't be here without her! ^_^

Smoking one with @Mossy on 420! :D

Mossys Purple Jem!!


:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:Mossy, Mossy, Mossy Mossy Mossy :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

Wow Mossy,what a beautiful macro of a beautiful plant..


Yup,the dog tried to eat my mug.

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