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@Frankthetank are a Genius...I never thought about strapping it to the dog.........:biggrin:

Hubby has it set up on his phone..I don't own he can tell if I have been working...or sitting here talking to [HASHTAG]#livestoners[/HASHTAG] I'll just strap it to the dog...........:crying:
Good thinking, Mossy!:crying::crying::crying::bighug:That is an interesting looking pup, by the way! A certain fatty just happened to lick up the remnants of a dropped bowl that I took a small drag off of.
She's been on her back, Watching the ceiling fan for 20 minutes now. Not sure it'll have much effect on her, Since She's typically lazy anyway.
*pic edited to follow the "no nips or genitalia rule*
@Frankthetank are a Genius...I never thought about strapping it to the dog.........:biggrin:

Hubby has it set up on his phone..I don't own he can tell if I have been working...or sitting here talking to [HASHTAG]#livestoners[/HASHTAG] I'll just strap it to the dog...........:crying:

LOL, did you get that from a movie? that sounds like the best way to avoid surveilance. A raccoon might better, but it might get tricky. :crying::bighug: Happy 420 Mossy
(Something Different)
AFN: Hall of Heroes Spotlight:

Mr "King Jorilla" Ganjamoto.

With an indoor hydroponic record breaking monster AutoUltimate

Here's one of my favourite indoor hydroponic grows from an AFN legend.
Smoking one to absent friends on 420!


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