Was looking around the 'Net for something to control some misters with and stumbled across this neat looking tech. Thought I'd share as I'm sure some cannabis grower somewhere with lots-o-money to blow on trying new, different shit out will want to give it a try someday. Though I don't know that cannabis is the right plant for it, as I'm not sure a constant wet/dry cycle is optimal, but I'm sure some master grower will have some thoughts on it.
This is an "Electronic Leaf". Per the description, the little membrane part that sticks out will move down when it gets heavy enough with water from the misters, and switch them off. When enough water has evaporated it raises back up and turns things back on. Supposed to simulate a leaf drying out and then getting misted when it's all the way dry.
The bad news....casual look at the listings it appears to run for around $300 USD.