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It is relieving a little stress at the moment....we had a little scare with our oldest dog this morning. I went to check on him because he didn't get out of bed this morning...and his face was swollen so bad his eyes were shut. Long story short...after an emergency vet visit, and a few shots..he seems to be ok now. SOme type of unknown allergic reaction. That is him on the left.
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Good to hear the pup is okay!! That would scare the shit out of me!
Good to hear the pup is okay!! That would scare the shit out of me!
Thanks was certainly stressful. He's nine years old, now...and luckily in excellent health, so when something is going on with him like this...we take it very seriously.
good idea

IMO the point of the fabric pot is to get air to the roots and by sitting flat no air can get there unless the pots are raised up
good idea
:thanks: it helps I did this on my 2nd grow when I noticed the plants looked over watered when I raised them up so air could get to the bottom the plant perked up in about 4 hrs.
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