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I have sever 24/7 chronic pain from 2 ruptured discs in the upper neck...i can toke 100 vape bags of the best of the best and not reduce my pain to a serious degree....taking tincture on the other hand is a whole other world of cannabis effects.

Anxiety and depression though I get great effects from vaping or smoking. Top choices for anxiety and depression:
Dutch Passion Brooklyn Sunrise
Dutch Passion Auto Euforia
Portal Citrus Noir
Dutch Passion Think Fast photo
Dutch Passion Colorado Cookies
Portal Moonstone
Thanks! Now I know what to put on my shopping list! :pass:
In this case, the mold formed on the plug of peat the seed was in. As it was covered by a dome, I think you're right that it was more an issue of airflow than anything else. I had it covered in an already 50% RH tent for well over a week.

Since I see no issue at all with the peat the other plant is growing in, I think I can relax a bit for now.


Maybe it was the cold weather also contributed too it. Maybe the light was weak as suggested. But you were lacking real heat at root zone,
I’m so sorry too hear that brother.. I couldn’t imagine the pain your in. It must be in unbearable specially at evening and nights,

Screen shotted them suggestions brother,

A packet of Colorado cookies it is then (winks)

Thanks man, appreciate it.....taking tincture has literally changed my life. Wayyyyyyyyyy more effective at pain control than doctor prescribed poisons!! Colorado Cookies is a prime strain for sure...cross your finger for the very unique chocolate lime pheno!! All 3 I have grown were stellar tokes...very potent and a solid yield as well.
Maybe it was the cold weather also contributed too it. Maybe the light was weak as suggested. But you were lacking real heat at root zone,
Certainly could be. I was hoping to get my second light two weeks ago, but medical issues made that impossible. So I swung the one light I had to center more on the first plant. Good news is that I will have that second light within a couple days, and if that was an issue, it will be no more.

Thanks for your help. This place is just amazing.
Hahahha same here, I’m more on a run of one strain...

I run 7-8 strains twice in the winter in the stealth cabinet and 12 or more in the summer...often i will rerun favorites but i will do at least half of new untried strains to find new winners!! For me variety is the spice of life!! (at one point in time last winter i had 27 different kinds of weed to toke)
Thanks man, appreciate it.....taking tincture has literally changed my life. Wayyyyyyyyyy more effective at pain control than doctor prescribed poisons!! Colorado Cookies is a prime strain for sure...cross your finger for the very unique chocolate lime pheno!! All 3 I have grown were stellar tokes...very potent and a solid yield as well.

That’s great man, good that the tinctures are helping you. Ypur rightbthe poisons decrease your quality of life, long use of thease fake opium based meds desire your brain in the long run. Without them or without increasing them you end up on a dram road of deppression.

I’ve got 2 choices no Colorado cookies or the new strain from fast buds cream cookies. What would you choose.
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