I'M BACK !! One day earlier than expected . How would you like this mother strapped to your leg . and that ain't no six shooter either View attachment 884464
Hello all, I'm late getting on as I had to make a pot of beef stew. But now the family is fed. Just haven't been able to get in the tent to check on the girls besides just a quick sneak peak.
I'M BACK !! One day earlier than expected . How would you like this mother strapped to your leg . and that ain't no six shooter either View attachment 884464
Hello all, I'm late getting on as I had to make a pot of beef stew. But now the family is fed. Just haven't been able to get in the tent to check on the girls besides just a quick sneak peak.
hey live stoners, anyone experience something similar to this? Toof Decay 6 days from seed, won't stand up, check the bulbous stem, and compare to her Moon Tears neighbors, same age
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