Outdoor Crow's GG at 56ºN

Yesterday I potted up the remaining Frisian Duck clones. Today, it being lovely and sunny, I decided to take the Frisian Duck mum outside and put her with the Auto Ducks by the apple tree. She hadn't been pruned for a while, so I gave her a trim before packing her into a box ready to transport. The cuts will probably be rooted as further clones for future crosses.

She's now happily planted in about 45 litres of compost in a fabric pot. I'll let her settle in for a week, and then start some LST as I want to spread this somewhat spindly lady out to keep her relatively short.

Before and after pruning

Looking a bit haggard after her journey, but she did perk up after a couple of hours

With her sisters by the apple tree

Auto Ducks are building buds
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Also yesterday was harvest day for the autos at one plot (which I'm going to call the embankment plot from now on, as it's perched on a strip of level earth, three-quarters of the way up a man-made slope leading up to a service road).

Lovely sunny day for it, which was good as it gave the girls time to dry out a bit. Also made it easier to spot any rot or mildew. All the autos, without exception, had a spot or two of rot. A couple had the beginnings of powdery mildew or white mould. The rot was mostly found in small buds located at nodes where a side branch is joined to the main stem. This pattern was seen in several plants. Unfortunately one Mandarin Panties Auto had some rot in the main cola, at the top. Thankfully this was the only affected top bud. All rot was removed on site, and after trimming fan leaves buds were placed in paper bags for transport back to base for drying. As for mildew / white mould, only a couple of instances were spotted, affecting the undersides of fan or sugar leaves, and in one case at a node on the main stem. Again these were all removed on site.

What I can say is that most of the buds were finished or in the process of finishing. There were some lowers on a few girls still with a few white pistils - arguably I could have left these to cook longer, but given the weather forecast I would probably have been condemning them to rot. So no big loss to take them early. It may seem surprising that they were all pretty much ready to harvest at just 71 days old. However I think the "unique" circumstances hastened bud ripening. Firstly, they were all flowering already under lights indoors. Then transplant shock for a week or so, fan leaves began to fade and intensive bud ripening began. So a kind of accelerated development, but no additional growth.

In a way, I'm quite pleased to get an early harvest and only minor losses from rot. Really most of the girls are intact. OTOH I now know what happens if you put autos out in mid-flower! :grin: I already knew it might not be good news, but it's been interesting to see it play out. Ultimately I got a decent haul, and by the way the stink coming off these ladies is pretty powerful! Could I have reaped more bounty by getting them out earlier? Very possibly. I've got the railway autos as a kind of "control" for this experiment, although the environment is quite different there. The embankment plot was like a desert until the first heavy rain a few weeks ago. The railway line was not as dry, maybe a bit less sun too. The autos there were quite a long way from finishing last time I saw them.

Anyway, that's one part of the GG completed. I don't need to visit this plot for a while now. The semi-autos, fast and early versions, and the clones can carry on vegging for a few weeks. I will be planting a few more girls there, I have some CBD strains to try out. But for now, I can focus on the other plots.

Pics below, taken with the "fancy" smartphone this time.

Arrival group shots

Joshua clone

Thunder Banana Auto x 2

Mandarin Panties Auto x 2


Super Kush clone x 2

Outdoor UK Auto

Biddy Early 2 Fast

Triton Biscotto Lime clone

Purple Maroc Glue Fast

C99 x Blueberry Early Version x 2

Post harvest group shot
Also yesterday was harvest day for the autos at one plot (which I'm going to call the embankment plot from now on, as it's perched on a strip of level earth, three-quarters of the way up a man-made slope leading up to a service road).

Lovely sunny day for it, which was good as it gave the girls time to dry out a bit. Also made it easier to spot any rot or mildew. All the autos, without exception, had a spot or two of rot. A couple had the beginnings of powdery mildew or white mould. The rot was mostly found in small buds located at nodes where a side branch is joined to the main stem. This pattern was seen in several plants. Unfortunately one Mandarin Panties Auto had some rot in the main cola, at the top. Thankfully this was the only affected top bud. All rot was removed on site, and after trimming fan leaves buds were placed in paper bags for transport back to base for drying. As for mildew / white mould, only a couple of instances were spotted, affecting the undersides of fan or sugar leaves, and in one case at a node on the main stem. Again these were all removed on site.

What I can say is that most of the buds were finished or in the process of finishing. There were some lowers on a few girls still with a few white pistils - arguably I could have left these to cook longer, but given the weather forecast I would probably have been condemning them to rot. So no big loss to take them early. It may seem surprising that they were all pretty much ready to harvest at just 71 days old. However I think the "unique" circumstances hastened bud ripening. Firstly, they were all flowering already under lights indoors. Then transplant shock for a week or so, fan leaves began to fade and intensive bud ripening began. So a kind of accelerated development, but no additional growth.

In a way, I'm quite pleased to get an early harvest and only minor losses from rot. Really most of the girls are intact. OTOH I now know what happens if you put autos out in mid-flower! :grin: I already knew it might not be good news, but it's been interesting to see it play out. Ultimately I got a decent haul, and by the way the stink coming off these ladies is pretty powerful! Could I have reaped more bounty by getting them out earlier? Very possibly. I've got the railway autos as a kind of "control" for this experiment, although the environment is quite different there. The embankment plot was like a desert until the first heavy rain a few weeks ago. The railway line was not as dry, maybe a bit less sun too. The autos there were quite a long way from finishing last time I saw them.

Anyway, that's one part of the GG completed. I don't need to visit this plot for a while now. The semi-autos, fast and early versions, and the clones can carry on vegging for a few weeks. I will be planting a few more girls there, I have some CBD strains to try out. But for now, I can focus on the other plots.

Pics below, taken with the "fancy" smartphone this time.

Arrival group shots

Joshua clone

Thunder Banana Auto x 2

Mandarin Panties Auto x 2


Super Kush clone x 2

Outdoor UK Auto

Biddy Early 2 Fast

Triton Biscotto Lime clone

Purple Maroc Glue Fast

C99 x Blueberry Early Version x 2

Post harvest group shot
Its's a shame you couldn't partially cover some with some poly to keep the worst of the rain off. Luckily the bud rot hasn't been to much of a sickener for you and you got a nice haul. :jointman:
Thanks for the rep, dude! :greenthumb:

I do have some reinforced clear tarps ready for such an occasion. Unfortunately, when a visited a few days ago it was clear rot had set in on a couple of plants. So already too late for rain covers. In any case they were finishing up after the mistimed transplant. Rain protection is something I need to bear in mind for my other autos, though they are not as well hidden as these were...

But yeah, not too much damage done luckily. Got a few jars worth for sure.
So a funny thing happened on the way to the photoperiod plot this evening. I was cycling along, large box strapped to my bike containing the Joshua mum (which started flowering so I decided to plant it out). Decided to spin by the area near to my semi-auto/fast/early plot, just to check if it was visible at all from a distance. Avid readers may recall that when my earlier plot was blown (probably by neighbouring busybodies) I scoped out a few places, including a recently vacated industrial unit. I was thinking to do a GG round the south side of the building, but decided against it because it was too wide open and visible. So I went for a place in the bushes the other side of a railway line. Anyway, I was passing this building and saw some people in hi-viz vests standing outside. I took them for surveyors at first, maybe a new tenant was getting the place checked out. Just as well I never chose that spot, I thought. As I drew closer though, I realised they were police officers! Guess what they were carrying?

Cannabis plants!

Yes, dear reader, I had stumbled upon a drugs bust. I was observing this from a distance, I stopped and thoughts were racing. Two uniform officers, a plainclothes - maybe CID or someone from the property managers. Did they know about my wee plot, about 200 yards away? I wasn't planning on visiting for a few weeks anyway, but still. Then I couldn't help laughing. There I was carrying a fairly large plant myself! I saw them carry away about half a dozen plants, nice glossy dark leaves, in fabric pots maybe 30 litres. I rummaged for my phone, but by the time I put my pin in, opened the camera app, etc, the cops had reached their van round the corner. But there was a single plant left in the car park, so I took a snap.


Quality not great because I had no time to zoom in as I wanted to get out of there sharpish, so this is enlarged from a wide shot. It was breezy so the plant is being buffeted by the wind. I don't know what size of grow it was, outdoors or indoors, but looking at the plants I suspect indoors. Maybe the growers thought the same as me, empty building, good spot for a grow. But perhaps they broke in or bribed a security guard, bypassed the electric, who knows. Possibly this was the coppers just carting the last few plants away.

So off I went, chuckling but also thinking fuck that could have been my grow... :grin:

As I cycled through a disused retail park adjacent, there were a couple of guys walking the same way. One was young, long hair, red tracksuit. The other older, looked tough. Put it this way I wouldn't fancy my odds in a fight. I cheerily said hello as I passed, but my spidey senses were tingling. They're the growers, I could feel it in my gut. Maybe when the raid started, some alarm sent them a message or something and they went to check it out. They were silent, grim faced. I could just imagine how pissed off they were, maybe even worried about what their boss would say or do. At least they never got arrested...

So that was a wee adventure. Don't forget, the coppers are out there! Stay safe people. :smokeit:
Okay, after that bit of drama, I went to the photoperiod plot. Made doubly sure nobody saw me climbing the wall to get access.

The girls are doing okay, a few yellow leaves down below on several plants. Some of those date from when they were in the veg cab - not enough light reaching them. But it seems they are starting to die back, though the tops and new growth look great. Possibly the soil here doesn't have much in the way of nutrients. There's a lot of grit, stones, lumps of coal, ash, cinders, but maybe not much organic material beyond the compost and coco I've added. There's been so much rain too that although it has softened the soil nicely, maybe the continuous release pellets are not quite enough. I gave all the girls an extra teaspoonful to tide them over, plus a bit of the liquid seaweed I brought to water the Joshua mum in.

Speaking of which, I planted her up and cut a stake from a nearby tree branch. She looks a bit unruly after her journey, but hopefully she will settle in just fine. The Frisian Duck clone I planted last time looked a bit battered by the wind, so I tied her more securely to the wee stake. Hopefully she'll get a bit more vigour soon. Next visit I'll bring some compost and mulch around all the girls, get a bit more organic material and nutrients washed in by the rain.

I've decided to take the easy route to planting the next wave, and just extend this plot. There's some space to the west that can be used. I just can't face clearing a virgin bramble forest in this heat and humidity. Maybe in the off season... Only problem is there's an old pile of wood, ash, gravel, and stuff in the middle of the area, partly overgrown with brambles, etc. Not realistic to shift that in the time I have, would be a lot of work and take a couple of days. So I'll just work around it. If I decide to use this plot again, then I can do that job in the winter maybe. I trampled down surrounding vegetation this visit, next time I'll start clearing and digging over.

It was nice hanging out there, peaceful and the sun was still hitting the plot from the west until about 8pm. It's good, gets sun right through the day (when there is some).

Anyway, pictures! That's what you want, isn't it?

Joshua mum with pot wrapped, ready to go in the box for transport

Plot on arrival

Sweet Afghani Delicious

Guerilla Gold Pie Fast. You can't quite see it in the pic, but she has started to flower.


BCN Critical XXL Fast x 2

Essex Gold x 2

Frisian Duck clone

Joshua mum planted out

Those yellow / dying lower leaves on BCN Critical XXL Fast

Scope for further expansion westward

That's it until the next time.

As they said on Hill Street Blues: HEY. BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!
What a read! This thread is such a great story. And now cops, possible busted growers, excitement indeed. Stay safe out there. Maybe those trail cams aren't a bad idea. I've seen a few with bluetooth/wifi. You could check before heading down make sure it's empty.
@Redeye Master hey thanks man, and cheers for the rep. Still a long way to travel on this grow. Great to have rain for vegging, but I hope we get some drier weather in August. Not that I enjoy water runs, but the girls could do with some good sunshine!
U said u had tarpaulin or plastic sheeting as such, I’ve seen make shift water butts in bushes and trees before. Have a Google and u should find a couple too. I’ll have a look to see if I can find a pic too.