Crossing auto strains = fully auto?



Hi all! I am really a complete ignorant of genetics and breeding, really!

I just decided I want to make some seeds, probably using one strain I already own (auto from feminized seeds) and a male automatic plant. I will probably order some regular seeds here on automaticseeds. My question is simple: if I have a female (probably a fem seed from Sweet Seeds, as I already have some strains to pick from) and a male from a regular auto strain, are the resulting seeds guaranteed to be 100% automatic? When I say guaranteed I mean if there is a good chance to get all seeds to be automatic, as I suppose there can be alterations to the rule.

Also, is it a good idea to cross a fem seed with a regular seed?

If this is a viable option I would be really excited to try my own crosses and experimenting :stir:

Thanks in advance! Best regards to all!
Auto x Auto = Auto

Auto trait is recessive
photo is dom

If you want to know more about how genetics work look up the Mandel pea experiments.

Some people are completely against using fems for breeding, but there is no scientific reason for them being a poor choice. At least to my knowledge. I invite anyone who disagrees to provide adequate proof as to why, include a link :D
Auto x Auto = Auto

Auto trait is recessive
photo is dom

If you want to know more about how genetics work look up the Mandel pea experiments.

Some people are completely against using fems for breeding, but there is no scientific reason for them being a poor choice. At least to my knowledge. I invite anyone who disagrees to provide adequate proof as to why, include a link :D

I have no physical proof, but I bet cres does. A lot of what I know about breeding I learned from cres. Breeding with fem plants or even selfed plants is fine, but only if they have been properly stress tested and you know the history of said fem strain. Like how it was made fem and was it stress tested to weed out the possibility of hermies. You can still do it though, all Autos have a chance of herm it seems anyway, as well as the chance to not be auto or to not be fem. Hey it happens.

If it's for personal use only, roll with it. But IMHO, if you're striving to create a new line or strain etc then I would steer away from using feminized seeds for that. Unless, again, you know the history of it.
Well yes, but the same could be said for any regular seed. There's the same possibility for the presence of intersex genetics in regular seed as well. Considering how lazy and prone to mistakes I am most of my plants get a stress test anyway :D
Well yes, but the same could be said for any regular seed. There's the same possibility for the presence of intersex genetics in regular seed as well. Considering how lazy and prone to mistakes I am most of my plants get a stress test anyway :D

:lol: I hear that, mate. And oh yes, for sure. Genetics are genetics, it can get pretty wild and crazy.
Thanks a lot for that info. My only intention is to get some decent quality seeds, not to create a full-blown new strain. I have limited space and, if I have time and the chance, I would just be growing a few plants into my bucket, selecting my preferred female and male and just crossing them. If I was lucky enough to get 1 male only and more females then I would allow him to do his thing to all the ladies and get some experimenting seeds :stir:

If I understand you correcly squid, then I should be safe using feminized auto seed from reputable sources. I have read a lot of things about different strains and seedbanks, but my actual experience is really limited. I have successfuly grown strains from sweet seeds and buddha seeds and have some feminized seeds from varied strains I could use. I like the plants I got from those seeds so that would be my female choice.

And then I only would need a male auto, so I have to order regular seeds for this experiment. I will be doing that soon!

Thanks again both of you for this information. I hope it also helps others who want to experiment!

Best regards
Anytime man. Yes and no as far as your question. I am sure there are many reputable banks that have great strains, but don't necessarily stress test them. But for what you're doing it's fine.

If you allow your male to pollenate all of your females on his own, you will have a ton of seeds. Like thousands. I suggest pollenating yourself with a small paint brush or Q tip, and just one bottom branch of your girl/girls. That will give you plenty. You don't want all of your nice frosty buds full of seeds, eh? Nope.
Yup your right. I had not thought of that... Being as it is, my only workplace for now would be the bucket. I won't be upset if a batch was completely pollinated. There would be probably several non seeded buds anyway and I would have plenty of seeds as a reward. I am eager to try it anyway!
Yup your right. I had not thought of that... Being as it is, my only workplace for now would be the bucket. I won't be upset if a batch was completely pollinated. There would be probably several non seeded buds anyway and I would have plenty of seeds as a reward. I am eager to try it anyway!
Actually, you will have no unseeded buds, if you allow a male to directly pollinate a female. She will be loaded down with seeds.
