cross post (still would like opinions)

WAY over fed! your issue is probably a combination of overfed too much of something other than N,, causing a Calcium deficit. I hate to say it but those plants are probably toast. You MIGHt save them by flushing the pots with 5-10 gallons of plain water each. Then your organic nutrient will be pretty much all flushed out. After that if the plants improved you'd need to feed the bottled nutes to the finish. I'm not of the opinion this will work at this stage.

Compost teas are problematic as well as the fact that 4 out of 5 scientific studies say they do nothing beneficial, and they are acidic, lowering your medium's PH. If you do insist on them, one application should be plenty.

A good orgnic mix should have all it needs blended in before it goes into a pot. It should carry your plant 70-90 days with nothing but water added. If you have a plant know to run longer than 70-75 days, then a top dressing couldn't hurt and may be needed. But you should only need to top dress once. I've had plants go 94 days in a three gallon pot with nothing but water. And it was still nice and green on chop day. Growing organically mean keep your hands off your plants! Lol, your killing them with kindness.
I will take your advice.
so you think is should just cut it and make room for the next run?
No, don't give up on them. I have seen way uglier plants deliver some good bud. Just feed minimally with balanced nutrients so they can limp to the finish line.
