Dinafem Critical + My Free Lady


Apr 24, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Pure Michigan auto
I received one free bean from an order to Herbies, here she is at day 70. I grew it under Mars Hydro LED's from ebay, 300/600 watts, in a 5 gallon bucket using Fafard professional soil, botnicare cal/mag and Fox Farms nutes. She grew to 17 inches tall with many side branches that have some respectable nugs on them for her size. The side branches were hugging the cola so I used pipe cleaners about 30 days ago to pull them over to the side of the bucket to give the whole plant more light.
Under a 600 right now

Soaking up the afternoon sun

Top Bud

Side branch nugs

Looks great bro

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Thank you!
Great job man. A journal next time would be awesome to follow along

Thank you! I have been a member for 2-3 weeks, I don't even know when I joined LOL! I cant find a join date in my profile. Next time from the get go

I honestly gave up on this plant long ago, it grew to about 4-5 inches and stayed there while my LSD's grew to over 20 inches. She has slowly stretched to 17 inches, there was no growth spurt at all with this plant. Dinafem website says these are ready in 65-70 days, not this lady. She has started to pull energy out of the water leaves, I've pulled a few dead ones off of her already, but she's obviously not ready. Flushing her now...
Great results and a beautiful looking plants :toke:

We do have a best picture thread and as said we would love you on AFN documenting your grows as going of the plant you are showing you are certainly doing something right :toke:

Thanks for sharing and welcome to AFN :thumbsup:

All the best

Great results and a beautiful looking plants :toke:

We do have a best picture thread and as said we would love you on AFN documenting your grows as going of the plant you are showing you are certainly doing something right :toke:

Thanks for sharing and welcome to AFN :thumbsup:

All the best

Thank you sir!
I honestly gave up on her but kept feeding her along with my other auto's. This was my first shot at growing autos and my first indoor grow in 5 years, got some learning to do. I thought at first, I'd be doing good to get 1/4 oz off of her. I'm very happy to say that is not going to be the case. :woohoo:
Day 72

I pulled off 9 water leaves today that were ready to come off.

Top nug

Side nug : Burnt leaf tips from pushing her with nutes and spots on the leaves which I believe to be calcium deficiency

There are a lot flowers you cant even see, some of the branches are solid nugs to the main stem. I bet she makes 60g

Grow on...