New Grower COTC Narcotic kush auto first autoflower grow

Just a little update. Im at around day 75 and still plan on a week or 2 until harvest. This thing has blown my mind! reached 6'8" before I began to bend her over,which eventually led to an accidental supercropping around day 60. The top,which i feared i may lose, exploded in size and is still getting heavier everyday. The photo is from about a week ago and is just the very top which is now growing at a right angle since the accident. I will be sure to get some good pics before harvest and some good data after harvest. I couldnt find much info on this strain besides unanswered questions before I started and I would like to help anybody interested in this impressive strain. 20150106_164344.jpg
where can I find those tabs your friend was selling? :D might wanna give it a try!
Hey man, your beast is lookin mighty fine there my friend. Very nice job. Looks like she still has a while longer to go.
Your going to have one hell of a harvest man.:Growing::smokeit::Sharing One:
Thanks! Still getting better every day... I'm in no hurry to stop that lol. I will get more pics up when I have a minute. You can just search eBay for "Wayne's microbe brew tablets" or google
I don't know if it is doing anything or not but I did have a nice veggie garden last season and this monster isn't too shabby either lol.
Thank you looked it up and seems like I can't get it here!
but I'll be looking into some other tabs then :)
Jkb how'd you make out on harvest brother. I just popped two narc. Kush. I hope mine don't get that tall I might lst them a bit to keep them lower. I'd be interested in how you made out. I got two Cotc amphetamine going now and they are cooking. I have been super happy with the results so far.
Automatic otto, sorry buddy I followed suit with everyone else who grows out the narcotic kush auto and disappeared after harvest... I promised I would not do that lol! My harvest went great, I harvested the tops and moved my light closer to let the bottom buds fatten up another week or two.I still think I should have waited a while longer but the property owner was getting impatient (understandably considering this plant went to around 100 says instaed of the advertised 60
20150130_172052.jpg I ended up with around 2.5 oz when all was said and done. The flavor was very "kushy" and the stone was clear but quite sedating. I have since popped my other 2 nk autos and have 1 going right now about 1 week in. I will try to find the rest of my pics later and possibly do a proper smoke report. Here are the pics I have at hand...
I'm finding myself only able to upload 1 pic per post...damn historical cellphone lol. The pic above is my share of the finished product, after some was enjoyed ofcourse. The pic in this post just gives a closer look at the dried and manicured product. I appreciate all the help and believe me, you guys will learn my name before the summer is over! Thanks for all the help and encouragement! 20150123_082844.jpg