Mephisto Genetics Cosmic Queens in not quite living soil


soils apprentice
Jun 13, 2016
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Hey folks!
So since I've been peeking into growspaces the past few weeks here, getting to know the new strains as they're grown out, I might as well document the Cosmic Queens I've got going in mine. :evil1:

No idea what kind of ride this is going to be, as I'm very prone to user error these days as my mind stretches to truly understand building and maintaining living soils and gets lost in the vast rabbits burrow of organics. But, it could definitely make for some entertainment, so here goes :smoking:

The growspace

It's going to shift around a lot in the course of this grow.:dancer:
A 75x150cm space at full room height, that is going to get a flowering space partitioned off for the Northern Lights#5xHaze growing on the lower right in the pic.
This was a good week ago, on Dec. 3rd.

Air exchange running 24/7, tending toward the very dry (hence the humidifier), with 200W of 3500°k CXB3590's (in use on the pic) to be supplemented with 150W of HIDs.

A 56L fabric pot of former no-till soil that had sat fallow for a year, reamended and left to "cook" (it did, at temps of 30°C) for a good 2 weeks before planting. Feeding will comprise a mix of topdressings (fresh green as well as meals and possibly vermicompost), along with plant juices (kelp and fresh green/flowers/fruit).

Seeds were soaked in water overnight and dropped directly in the soil with some myco spores on Dec. 1. By the morning of the 5th, both had sprouted.
First user error was to knee-jerkedly drop two seeds for a "best of two"-sprouting. :shrug:
Don't do that with Mephisto seeds!!
Especially when they're freshly dropped, and if you have problems killing perfectly lovely plants :biggrin:

It was a rough call deciding which to cull, day 7 from sprout:
2017-12-12_day07 (2).JPG

The left one, which had sprouted first, was slower developing the next tier of leaves, but first beginnings of secondaries were already showing at the base of the first real leaves, plus she had the sturdier stem.
The one on the right, which sprouted second, had a much lankier stem and kept leaning over, whilst growing in a delightfully joyous love-of-life way that seriously made me consider culling the more stable plant haha

So I scooped a big handful of soil out of the pot from under where [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] was standing, and rescued her into a small 1L pot where she'll have to stay for another week or so, waiting for a bigger pot to be vacated. She got a sprinkling of myco powder, and both plants a topdressing of freshly sprouted and ground barley,
2017-12-13_malted-barley (2).JPG
watered in with kelp juice.

And after I finished, I saw that actually, this one is sprouting a "peace out" from the base of the cotyledons?!
I present to you Ms. Woozy, look at that hip swing ha

2017-12-13_day08-ms.woozy-post-transplant (2).JPG

jokes on me, I love this one and am going to make space where there is none to grow her out anyway :D

And the girl that got to stay, Ms. GoodieTwoShoes lol
2017-12-13_day08-ms.proper (1).JPG

2017-12-13_day08-ms.proper (2).JPG

This was yesterday, day 8, right after transplant.

Hoping I can make their lives a good one for them!
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heya @stedimed and welcome aboard! :pass:

and thanks @HellaDutch!
Yes that is the way this soil is going, water-only.

Since I don't have a good microbial community established there yet though, this run will have nutrient additions that can also supplement directly what the microbes may not mine in sufficient volumes, for example via waterings of kelp juice or comfrey juice made of blended fresh leaves (with tap water, yes, I'm in the lucky position to have excellent drinking quality water ;) ).
Plus regular additions to the mulch to keep things cycling, and vermicompost, in case the batch I just harvested has a nicer microbial profile than the soil, to inoculate more diversity into the pot.

Also, I do this "like-with-like" thing in terms of fresh plant material juices, my last few plants have quite taken to it.
In veg I like to water in blended sprouts and shoots of fast growing plants, then in flower, flowers, and fruits when the buds start fattening up.
This follows the theory that roots are like inside-out guts and can absorb enzymes and complex compounds they need as building blocks anyway (whole chloroplasts, mitochondria, or even bacteria too!) by engulfing them into vesicles where they are processed. Hence short-cutting all that mineralization and re-buildup of basically the same components.
Crazy stuff on the side, so to speak :p But all natural.

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:pop:I'll sit in on this one. Cosmic Queen will be my next grow starting in Feb sometime. I remember your Sour Stomper grow-I believe it was anyhow-I had one going at the same time.:goodluck:Pipes
Heya Pipes, good to see ya! thanks, I'll need it! :D
And yes! it was the Sour Stomper haha unforgettable plant!
This one is bound to be interesting, same environment, two plants in different pot sizes :eyebrows:
Day 10 from sprout

While Mz. Woozy didn't seem to take offense to the transplant at first, today she is clearly showing how taken aback she is about it haha

2017-12-15_day10_mzWoozy (2).JPG

She has fallen behind in leaf development, and lets her leaves hang more during lights out too
Wingspan 12cm
2017-12-15_day10_mzWoozy (1).JPG

Whereas Missy Twoshoes' wingspan is at 14cm and she's seriously working on tier 3 of her leaves

2017-12-15_day10_missy2shoes (1).JPG

Whilst continuing to develop those secondary branches everywhere

2017-12-15_day10_missy2shoes (2).JPG

I'd say structurally pretty damn near to perfect as is possible. She's also got that joie-de-vivre MzWoozy was showing, just in a more orderly and building-from-the-bottom kind of way. And she seems to be doing a bit of that "diving into the sky" the Sour Stomper did too, so mmm, very promising!

Another thing: is it just that I never noticed this before, or are these CQ's hella hairy gals??!

Oh and to avoid creating unbased rumors, the growths I thought stemmed from the cotyledon base on Mz Woozy actually are actually stipules growing out of the base of the first leaves.
2017-12-14_day9eve-mzwoozy (2).JPG

I can't recall having seen any this early along in the grow before either :rolleyes2:

Cheers! :jointman: