Indoor Cosa Nostra (private thread)

Its crazy now im looking at it now in a different way now as my friends knew i was saying No Mistakes it kinda humbles you and you have to make mistakes and learn from them! Now since i think i get it ... my question is how many times you guys fucked up shit and learn from it? :)
If im getting this right its you have to look at it as a living thing that needs food everyday and know what to feed it and when and how much.
Yea this shit is humbleing and to think 6 months ago i didnt know what a litre was or how many ounces to make a litre didnt even know how much or what a ml even looked like i just thought seed,soil,water and lights (how stupid i feel now looking back) and yes you should learn that system it can make or break you !!!
Its crazy now im looking at it now in a different way now as my friends knew i was saying No Mistakes it kinda humbles you and you have to make mistakes and learn from them! Now since i think i get it ... my question is how many times you guys fucked up shit and learn from it? :)

Every fucking day man. And Im an old dude. Every fucking day.
They ARE living things, you can't treat them AS living things man. I am taking it you haven't grown a garden or
house plants? Yeah, your plants are your babies man, just like the dog and cat.

My simple advise is " find a nutrient line and run their schedule". When you have a couple of successful
grows under your belt, then you can start tweaking your stuff and having a lot of fun! I really enjoy
trying to make each grow better somehow. I like the challenge.

Don't give up and keep making mistakes! And LOVE those babies!
They ARE living things, you can't treat them AS living thingexplaining things to me answrring all my qurstions I love that dude he helped me alotn. I am taking it you haven't grown a garden or
house plants? Yeah, your plants are your babies man, just like the dog and cat.

My simple advise is " find a nutrient line and run their schedule". When you have a couple of successful
grows under your belt, then you can start tweaking your stuff and having a lot of fun! I really enjoy
trying to make each grow better somehow. I like the challenge.

Don't give up and keep making mistakes! And LOVE those babies!
Yeah man never grew anything I have to thank Rebel alot though man he stayed up with me night after night after night explaining everything to me answering all my questions for months..I luv that guy man
Yes i know im new to this and im jumping way ahead of myself but i want you ALL to check this out. What do you think and does anyone know this strain or can re-configure their strain to grow like these? Making me seriously think to take a trip to Chile.

I think that would be near impossible to achieve yourself as the article says it was down to a genetic defect aswell as the conditions of the water