The power outage we had last week knocked out my Arduino controller and I have been turning the lights off/on by hand. So yesterday I took it upon myself to fix the problem. It turned out that the real time clock module just needed a new battery. I was all prepared to rebuild the entire thing. Just popped in a new battery, uploaded the program and all is well :woohoo:. The controller is capable of running the lights, CO2, and exhaust fan. I have not run CO2 in a long time because I do not have enough light to take advantage of it and frankly the ROI is not worth it. For those of you not around 3 years ago when I built it this is what the controller looks like.

View attachment 1071782 View attachment 1071783

Nice bit of maintenance work buddy :pass:

All the best :bong:

Hey ManOGreen, I went through your thread with incredible bulk to try and get an idea of your watering strategy.

Can you tell me if this sounds like I understood it?

Basically you wait until the blocks weigh about 30% of their max weight, then you water them in small sessions and in the final session of the day there is 10-20% run off?

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Hey ManOGreen, I went through your thread with incredible bulk to try and get an idea of your watering strategy.

Can you tell me if this sounds like I understood it?

Basically you wait until the blocks weigh about 30% of their max weight, then you water them in small sessions and in the final session of the day there is 10-20% run off?

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@Mañ'O'Green This ones for you my friend :pass:

All the best :bong:

Well here is an update for Week 10. I have the UVB bulb running now as the RQS is a week to 10 days away from ripe and the Dinafems are 2 weeks to 20 days from ripe.

I am going to chop a week from today. Many of the colas are falling over from the weight and I cannot safely reach them to tie them up :cuss:. I knew when they got 55" tall I was going to have this problem. I fed lots of extra silicon to strengthen the stems and they are not breaking just bending over. some of the buds are over 20" long :woohoo:.

Buds too heavy is not the worst problem to have lol [emoji23] looking amazing... I can almost smell them through the internet.

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The fragrance is so sweet, like honeysuckle but more piney, floral, fruity. I have had to move some of the branches around a bit and the fragrance on my hands is so wonderful. I just keep smelling it :yay::jump:.
The fragrance is so sweet, like honeysuckle but more piney, floral, fruity. I have had to move some of the branches around a bit and the fragrance on my hands is so wonderful. I just keep smelling it :yay::jump:.
Seems like there are aromas when the flowers are developing that only growers get to enjoy. Certain smells just never make it all the way through the flower's life and then a dry and cure. Maybe I'm not doing something right LOL but usually my plants smell at least a little different while they are alive and ripening.
Seems like there are aromas when the flowers are developing that only growers get to enjoy. Certain smells just never make it all the way through the flower's life and then a dry and cure. Maybe I'm not doing something right LOL but usually my plants smell at least a little different while they are alive and ripening.
I am not always able to keep all of the fragrance (terpenes) because it is so hot here in the summer and my drying temperatures often go above 70°F. In the winter months my cured bud smells much like the plants as they grew.