Outdoor Container guerrilla

To rotate pictures, this is what I do. Before I even post here, I preview my folder of pictures I want to upload. In preview you can rotate the pictures, once its how you like, click arrow to the next picture and it auto saves your rotated pictures. You can still do that now and edit your post if you like.

I dont see that option but I realised that I have to take all the photos in horizontal mode because otherwise they get rotated by afn

nice work man

Thanks dude stay tuned for more

I suffered some losses :( . Seeds either didnt make it or they were eaten due to bad protection from bugs. I found critical jack #2's stem and others I could find at all.

I lost one autoultimate, lsd, west coast, white widow, think different.... but i budgeted for a loss so I still have them only in smaller quantity.

Along with losses there are some winnings shall we say :)

Autoultimate. One of cotyledons was half bitten off couple of days ago but she is still good. I suppose Neem Cake Fertiliser was good investment ;)


Cbd med gom

I mentioned accident where i am not sure which seed is which 100%. There 'suspects' are polar light, fast and vast, mexican airlines but I think smoke report will solve all the mysteries

Mexican airlines

Polar light

Moby dick xxl. It surprised me how fast and nice she grows. She is around 15cm tall so I decided to remove the net and let her do her own thing. I just hope grasshoppers and others arent too keen to get her. But Neem cake always gives me hope :)


two mature of my guerilla grow were eating aswell :)
One liter of urine contains 11 grams of N and some P and K. I did it today but I dont have pics. Another two plants were eaten :(