Constant droopy leaves

:smoking: She is a fine plant Sic', I love her shape and structure! Let's get you some rep going mate, it's earned on that girlie- :spels: :slap:
...Drooping looks better,.. sometime I find that after repeated or really bad dry-outs, the leave may not ever really resume their original perky posture,.. not an issue, aesthetics aside! Did you do the hefting trick? Even a cheapie soil moisture meter will help give some idea about what's going on down deeper,... :cheers: :pass:
@Waira Thanks. I have been doing the hefting trick each day thats how I've been judging when to water. It also helps that my pots have drain holes on the sides so I can see if the bottom layer of soil is dry. For my next grow I do plan on starting a grow log, just waiting for my current plants to finish.
... try fabric pots sometime, i think you'll like them! ...they dry more evenly and easily, plus the extra O2 and self-pruning roots aspects are big pluses as well,... :thumbsup:
That is a great plant and will be a winner when it perks up! Def don't start over! It already looks better for sure

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Good news, my Northern Light is looking better and better each day. Quite a few of the fan leaves are turning yellow earlier than I expected but I don't think its much to worry about. I appreciated everyones help and was happy to get such fast responses, thank you all.
