:smoking: Ahhh, I think I know what's happening now Sicario! ... here the deal: too wet and too dry, ironically, will cause the same drooping but for different reasons,... it sounds like you wait too late into dry cycling to water,.. this, repeatedly, will eventually cause really dry areas in the soil that don't rehydrate well, so the water travels along the path of least resistance, right by them.. you've seen how overly dry soil reacts to watering, especially if there are lots of roots? It just sits on the surface, and trickles slowly in down these paths initially,... same thing in a pot happens, around those dry patches! Best thing to do is use a wetting agent which will break the surface tension and allow far better, faster penetration,... How do the pot's weight feel? heft them and see if they seem light, even if the soil seems plenty moist,.. do you recall their weight when first planted, and well hydrated? -ditto for too dry,... that's your calibration so to speak! Chances are, some roots have dried out, and died, so there may not be enough to really keep up with plant demands over time. Right now, you need to make sure they get a proper even saturation; sometimes setting them in a saucer with water will help pull from the bottom up and reach those dry patches,.. Water more often, don't let them get so dry in between rounds,... I like Coco-wet for a wetting agent, but there are several others out there,.. very handy stuff with numerous application in treating plants and mediums!