Constant droopy leaves

Dec 1, 2016
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Hello this is my first grow as well as first post

I'm currently using a 600w led
The light is about 6 inches from the tops
I have a 4inch fan for intake, 6inch exhaust fan, one small clip on fan for circulation
I have the lights on a timer set to 18/6

I'm using a soil called Royal Gold Kings mix and using 3 gallon pots

Nutrients and water:
I'm watering with tap water and have to lower the ph slightly using ph down
I water with roughly 2 liters of water every few days until i see water draining out the bottom
For nutrients I have the Fox Farm trio but haven't really used them because my soil seemed to have plenty of nutrients

I'm using a 2'x4'x5' grow tent in my spare room
Lights on temp 75 F Lights off 65-68 Humidity around 55%
I've seen no signs of insects

I'm growing 4 plants. Two white widow x big bud and two Northern Lights all auto flower
Today the plants are 46 days since sprouting and all are flowering

The problem:
One of my Northern lights plants is constantly drooping, stems and leaves. Occasionally after I water it perks up but then droops back down. I suspect it has to do with the roots? My other three plants are doing great and one is nearing harvest. My question is: Is this plant worth keeping? I really don't know what to do. Any help is greatly appreciated


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Your leaves look pretty good but I would still want to get a ph reading. It seems to act like it is not getting enough aeration in the soil but the fact that the two plants are in the same soil profile would tend to discount that. is it possible that you are experiencing a potassium defficiency? K is a major player in turgor.
@namvet25 Yeah one plant is actually taller than the light...I'll need to figure out a way to raise my light. Luckily I've got an LED and not HPS.


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@namvet25 Yeah one plant is actually taller than the light...I'll need to figure out a way to raise my light. Luckily I've got an LED and not HPS.

Sungrips and carabiners :thumbsup: You could also take each hanger and double them up in a U shape then hang them from the carabiner..That would give you a little more distance.