Mephisto Genetics Connoisseur Automatics:Part-2

which one are you talking about? the Sour Hounds? just light defoliation and I have four lights on usually when Im full up so I guess yes but honestly? no real supplementary lighting. I use four light in the four corners of my tent. theyu do well.but at this current time I am under 12-12 for another cpl weeks at least to see if I can get my photos to bloom nice. I stuck the other two outside. so the performance wont bne as nice under 12-12 ime. but havent done an auto 12-12 grow in sometime LOL but ill be replacing some lights soonest. Im buying 4 Auto Cobs from autocob shop from Big SmO yo LOL should do really well me thinks since the COB light 290 unit is really badass broham!
oh well I dont chalk it up to nothing but bummed seeds. on my part,in shipping. this time of year it happen more often and is not the first. they are just more sensetive is all ime and it was really a runt anyways so I would have to grow it again to really know with a different seed stock. but I do plant on tryng the GGG4 again this next or upcoming run. but the CDLC was horribly nasty hard to get going. well stunted n smaller. super runt even LOL
Yes Sir, the Sour Hounds. I get the same plant shape and bushiness if i surround my plants with 4000K LED shop lights in conjunction with top red LED or COB. Short squatty and bushy which is awesome for LST vegging photos. Still on my first Auto grow so i am asking a few questions.
if your more specific I can answer better really. but I dont really do suppliment lighting usually. but I do have a special defoliation technique imho that works since I have been asked many many MAAANY times how I LST or do I or did I even tiop her?LOL nope nope n nope LOL just smaller defoliation techniques
if your more specific I can answer better really. but I dont really do suppliment lighting usually. but I do have a special defoliation technique imho that works since I have been asked many many MAAANY times how I LST or do I or did I even tiop her?LOL nope nope n nope LOL just smaller defoliation techniques
do you only light from the top or do you light from the side as well.