New Grower Conflicting Info......When is day 1????


Im Joe Grizzly Bitch!!!!!
Sep 20, 2015
Reaction score
Ive heard some say day 1 is when the seed has been introduced to moisture
And ive heard some say when its 1st set of leaves come in,
And yet again ive heard some say its when ur second set of leaves come in......

Anyone care to set this straight for me, and anyone else wondering this.......
There is no right answer and frankly the "correct" "Day 1" really doesn't mean jack. It's like this some people call "day 1" the day they start to germinate a seed. Others call "day 1" the day the seed breaks the soil and stands tall(I also call this Day 1) others use the whole 1 or second set of leaves deal as "day 1" . This could result in a 2 week difference in time. In the end you pick what you want to call "Day 1 " and stick to it
Cannot agree more whit all of you guys, but personally it's like with the baby I would think.
With people, birthday is the day when you see the baby for the first time, so respectively with the plants, when they break the soil and you see some life ... Does it make any since ?
Ive always started count on the day i drop it in water is day 1
Usually just means ur a week or two behind the people who say day 1 is when 1st or 2nd set of leaves show........i see now why i was always like "wtf is this dudes plant 2 feet tall on day 20" and mine still be at 8 inches still or sumthn on my day 20........
Ive always started count on the day i drop it in water is day 1
Usually just means ur a week or two behind the people who say day 1 is when 1st or 2nd set of leaves show........i see now why i was always like "wtf is this dudes plant 2 feet tall on day 20" and mine still be at 8 inches still or sumthn on my day 20........

Here's the way I think of it.

Frank germinated in water and it breaks the surface 3 days later
Bill used the paper towel method and his broke surface 4 days later
Chris placed his directly in soil and it broke surface 5 days later

The reason why knowing this would matter would be for comparative, Feed schedule or journal.

There is one thing that is the same for everyone.... when it breaks the surface.

So that should be day one in my opinion.
Cannot agree more whit all of you guys, but personally it's like with the baby I would think.
With people, birthday is the day when you see the baby for the first time, so respectively with the plants, when they break the soil and you see some life ... Does it make any since ?

Not for me; Just because you can't see it, it's still there and needs care, just like an unborn child from the moment of conception.

There's a point when my grows start, the moment a fresh seed is planted. This is my P-Day or Day 0 and recording from there gives a truer understanding of total length of grow.