New Grower confiscate 2

Feb 16, 2015
Reaction score
second seed bank confiscate at ny jfk air cargo cbp. u.s. dept. of agriculture. is this happening to anyone else? HELP
Did you order a lifetime supply of beans by chance ? I wouldn't order more than 10 @ a time personally. The bigger the package, the less inconspicuous it becomes. Maybe try Single Seed Centre so it will come through customs in Chicago instead, and this time - order under a different name. Wal-mart has loadable Debit cards you can register under names like Lemmy Kilmister or Hung Lo. Sorry this keeps happening to you, most unfortunate.
Hit up the guys at mephisto, their stealth is actually stealth.
thankyou for your help. it was 10 seeds pkt . 1 came from oss and other herbi. both from spain in small manila envelope. what do you mean by single seed ctr.?
what is mephisto? Ohh, probably only the best autoflower genetics you can buy! Seriously, Mitch at Mephisto has got his game on! All his strains are beautiful!
where does co. ship to, ny. or chicago?

I actually heard that Chicago, O'hare was the worst of the entry points right now....

But to answer your question, the sender doesn't choose where his parcels enter
the US, that's determined by where in the country it's headed.