New Grower Cold is showing down grow of all my autos

Sep 1, 2018
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Currently Smoking
afgooye,damnesia,flowerbpmb kush,auto purple kush,afghani #1,kritcal bilbo
last grow week one 25cº to 29 cº ,this grow is 16 Cº to 10 Cº.
I have crosses made with autoflowers grown last winter,made them small 50cm tall
this new crosses of last grow was to more yield,more tall`s..
This new grow is for a littel more THC, CBD in the plants
18-08.18 002.jpg
09-12-18 012.jpg
. for now
Looking good.

Sent from my comfy chair.
MMMM! Blueberry! Best of luck!
I only plant the bluematic from RQS this is from 00 seeds i dont know if its a good seedbank.This grow it will be the last with autos gentic from hot places/country ,im going to grow olny strains good for cold places
Do you have plans to heat the tent?
Atf (alaskin thunder fuck ) is a good cold weather strain not sure if their is an auto version of it yet though.
Do you have plans to heat the tent?
No,the temp on the tent is 24 to 25 droping to 20, i use the exoust fans with filter on flowering when smell is,too much,but the plant know,when i open the tent,i fell the hot from the grow and the grow fell the cold.enter,more auto lose size with cold,but strains 3 not they can stand better.
Hiya buddy I've got some RQS amnezia haze on at the minuit. Attics 5-10*c most of the time and it isn't even close to bothering them. Can see it in both my other strains bit the haze isn't flinching. Super sturdy strain for colder climates.