Mephisto Genetics Coffee Monster brews some Mephisto with an Amare SolarPRO 400

Ah hell! Glad you let me know in time
Haha...CM, I hope you weren't adding coffee grounds, without researching benefits/risk factors, just because I joked about it. I certainly didnt expect you to just dump some in, without being in the know.

I should maybe be careful with my attempts at humor. I would feel horrible if something went amuk on my account. Good thing awolace was here to shed some light. :)
Don't sweat it @Yeatster !

I did add about five spoonfuls to about fifteen gallons of soil so I think we're okay

I was bein a bit dramatic when I replied to awolace lol

Even though I do want to bring the ph in my mix down slightly, I have no intention of adding any more without knowing what I'm doing.

Now the idea of putting a few portals in with this grow so I can have some beans, that, well that is gettin way outta hand...

Wow the girls are definitely hitting a growth spurt, it's a little packed with the addition of some Portal regs, gonna make a few seeds to go with the bud!


Here's Archie's girl, lookin real sharp

Here's 3 Bears OG

Here's Skywalker, she's always been a bit of an odd one...

Here's Grape Crinkle

and Skyrone Stomper

Sour Stomper

And Ripley's OG, wasn't sure if she was gonna survive but now she looks like she's gonna show'em all up!

Babies just got first feeding of quarter strength of Tang's easy sched. Sour Stomper just got a half strength, handled it a little easier then the White Cheese
@Yeatster I call it Archie's girl part of the time in honor of @archie gemmill lol

It's a Walter White and archie seems to have a love for Mephisto's White strains, plus he seems to always run into trouble when he has a go at the original so... plus it was born in the last minutes of a monday night and he seems to like all his sprouting to occur on mondays

Like you and a few others he's been a help and an encouragement so I hope he doesn't mind
@Yeatster I call it Archie's girl part of the time in honor of @archie gemmill lol

It's a Walter White and archie seems to have a love for Mephisto's White strains, plus he seems to always run into trouble when he has a go at the original so... plus it was born in the last minutes of a monday night and he seems to like all his sprouting to occur on mondays

Like you and a few others he's been a help and an encouragement so I hope he doesn't mind
I thought it might be the case. I'm aware of a bit of Archie quirks, maybe not the white train one...I only see trophies coming out of the cabinet. I'll have to pay attention to that.
I'm sure he doesn't mind a bit having a plant named after him, as long as you call it an eejit.
Good luck on the rest of the grow buddy. Hope you hit a home run with Archie...shes got my vote.
a real nice selection box of strains you got going.will the shed be able to cope with them all ?
honoured with the naming if a lil embarressed.
looking great,good growing.
good luck.
Thanks Archie! That's the key question you hit on, how the heck is it gonna work out when the girls get bigger?
Of course it'll make a huge difference when the White Cheese and Sour Stomper are chopped but I don't know how cramped it'll still be

Only thing saving me now is that my grow is in a room, not a tent, and while I usually only use the 2'x4' area under the Amare, I really have closer to 3'x6' in actual room

Not havin a proper tent does have its downsides though
Want to try photos sometime and have too many light leaks in the room I think for example
