Lighting CobShop picture thread Bring on the beauty!

Nice haul my friend I'm getting ready to start a BT and then about 3 weeks later going start another one and hoping I can make some seeds and I may also throw a mephisto strain in and cross them..
@BigSm0 :holymoly: 2769 grams dry under 1080 watts of [HASHTAG]#autocobpower[/HASHTAG] for a 2.56 GPW now thats kicking ass and making buds my friend :headbang: :thanks: for all your help and the [HASHTAG]#autocob[/HASHTAG] IMO the [HASHTAG]#bestdamnautolight[/HASHTAG] period :woohoo:

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Sent from my H1611 using Tapatalk
Nice haul my friend I'm getting ready to start a BT and then about 3 weeks later going start another one and hoping I can make some seeds and I may also throw a mephisto strain in and cross them..

Sent from my H1611 using Tapatalk
:toke: :thanks: