Lighting info, questions and answers

Tag me in for this grow when you start it, should be real interesting.
I dont think I could keep up if I posted all my side by side grows I do lol. I’m currently running a 4000k start to finish, another cree vs citizen side by side, a single 3500k on 2 smaller strains and my current 3500k AutoCob only grow. This is how I figure things out.
I am limited on the 2700k and 3000k but do have them. I don’t like to list these guys on the site for this reason. As far as spectrum goes the lower the number the more red it has and the higher the number the more blue. My personal opinion is the 3500k does an amazing job as it is. Any addition should be more towards the red end. You could consider x-3500k and O-3000k
This is a setup I regularly see and recommend.


Another thing is you could possibly swap the center light with a 6500k and just use it for seedlings. As the plants mature start plugging in the 3500’s and at the start of flower you could add the 3000k so no wattage is wasted.

It won’t help now but I am gearing up to do a 6500k start to finish and a 2700k start to finish. I have higher expectations for the 2700k. The only downside to the 2700k in veg would be a bit more stretch which is easily fixed with a bit of lst.

Thanks Sm0, and Hemisync as well. I do agree these 3500k are not disappointing in any way and do work all by themselves. Cant blame a man for wanting to tweak the set up more though That is part of the fun of the autocob.
I will send over an email when I am ready to get the order placed. Month maybe. Thanks again for the info.
Well looks like I’m labeling a jar autocobs. Every chance I get I am gonna put some money in hoping to get two more lights. I was playing with some numbers showing my wife that what I do doesn’t cause our bill to be so high. She agreed. I said well now that I see the numbers I can cut some hrs and add some lights and keep the bill the same. Tomorrow I will be playing with on/off schedules and costs and how many lights I can run. I never saw a difference in growth rate with anything over 20hrs. In that case I believe I can add two lights (6 total) cut 4 hrs of light and lower my bill. Maybe three more and keep it the same. But I would be able to go from 3-4 to 6-8 maybe even more.
Well looks like I’m labeling a jar autocobs. Every chance I get I am gonna put some money in hoping to get two more lights. I was playing with some numbers showing my wife that what I do doesn’t cause our bill to be so high. She agreed. I said well now that I see the numbers I can cut some hrs and add some lights and keep the bill the same. Tomorrow I will be playing with on/off schedules and costs and how many lights I can run. I never saw a difference in growth rate with anything over 20hrs. In that case I believe I can add two lights (6 total) cut 4 hrs of light and lower my bill. Maybe three more and keep it the same. But I would be able to go from 3-4 to 6-8 maybe even more.

The most expensive thing in the grow is definitely a dehumidifier or an air conditioner. Each of these can run between 50-100 per month depending on how much it’s running. My dehumidifier is on non stop due to the outdoor conditions. This creates more heat than the lights ever could and causes rhe ac to run a lot. Lights alone don’t cost much at all
Yup my dehumidifier which conditions my whole basement including the humidity created by my grow is almost always running luckily I have a decent sized basement and it doesn’t get too warm. But that’s my biggest expense. But not just for my grow so I don’t include. Looks better when I show the wife my operating cost to return.
Yup my dehumidifier which conditions my whole basement including the humidity created by my grow is almost always running luckily I have a decent sized basement and it doesn’t get too warm. But that’s my biggest expense. But not just for my grow so I don’t include. Looks better when I show the wife my operating cost to return.
My light bill has dropped dramatically since I started using all autocobs.
Not sure if there will be much need for the thread but I'd like others to have an easier way to access common questions you all may have.

The autocob is available at a new lower price. 134.99

The 4 pack is a great option as the price is again a little less along as a good shipping discount.

The "almost complete" is perfect for those not ready for an all out DIY build. I would just need to know the desired space you want to grow in and I can offer suggestions on the amount of cobs needed and the driver you will need to power it all. This option is basically the same as the autocob without the driver and power cord. You will need to build a frame and buy some basic parts to complete it.
I have decided to go with autocobs instead of purchasing 2 more leds. Space is a 5x5 current lighting meizhi 600 2 of them 540 watts at wall. I can only afford the 2 pack for now maybe a third if discounted as well. Will the two along with my leds be efficient for the space until I can replace with all autocobs and how many would I need in my 5x5
I have decided to go with autocobs instead of purchasing 2 more leds. Space is a 5x5 current lighting meizhi 600 2 of them 540 watts at wall. I can only afford the 2 pack for now maybe a third if discounted as well. Will the two along with my leds be efficient for the space until I can replace with all autocobs and how many would I need in my 5x5

I think you are making the best decision for the space. Wall to wall in a 5x5 you would want 9 cobs. If you have fans in the floor or a dehumidifier you could run less cobs total.