Lighting info, questions and answers

If you don't live in a high humidity location, buy an evaporative cooler. Less costly than a/c. I aim mine at my tents lower screen and the inline fan sucks in the cool air. I don't much care what my grow room temp reads, I only care about lowering tent heat.
LOL, that's one of the issues, the humidity here usually hovers around 90%, and that's mostly year 'round. It's like a jungle atmosphere, heat in the mid 90's a lot of the time. Many times I wished I lived in the high desert in New Mexico, or Idaho. Good Lord willing, and the creek don't rise.... As soon as my better half retires, I plan on spending June through October in either far northern Maine, or New Brunswick. I'm tired of this heat and humidity, had to work and live in it my entire life. LOL
Can you run this in flower too? My humidity is the only killer. In flower without a dehumidifier going my RH would hit 100%. The dehumidifier runs a lot and is the only reason my ac has to run.
LOL, the "death circle of heat" Same here. It's damn hard to balance when you have the differing climatic conditions. This is why I bought the cobs from you!
LOL, the "death circle of heat" Same here. It's damn hard to balance when you have the differing climatic conditions. This is why I bought the cobs from you!

While it was a genuine offer to help I remember someone suggested I get “damp rid” bags for my grow. I couldn’t imagine how many dozen I’d need during a 24 hour period to keep my RH below 80%. Some struggle and some just suck their house air through their grow and out the window.
I'm tired of this heat and humidity, had to work and live in it my entire life. LOL
I lived in the tropics for a couple of years and really disliked that high percentage humidity. Don't think I could have survived decades in that environment.
best light height?

In veg you would start at 30” and in flower keep them at 20”. This is a starting point. Every plant, grower and even feed schedule is different and each factor into the happiness and health of the plants. Very well nourished plants in a good environment will be able to accept more light and this is done by lowering the cobs. These numbers should be a starting point and adjustments made according to the plants.

I often say anyone giving vague one size fits all heights is doing the growers an injustice. A perfect example is I know a guy running 12 cobs in a 4x4 and others running 4. It would be impossible to give a number that fit both spaces. Another factor is the plants. Autos require less light than photos due to the hours they receive light each day. (DLI). Not that autos are generally smaller it's actually hours X amount not just the amount of light. Plants in general vary significantly too. Some plants are light hungry and some are much more sensitive.

Growing good plants is more about learning what the plants want rather than spending the most money or buying into the latest fanboy equipment. Poor products run properly can produce better than the best products run improperly.
Does the 30" veg recommendation include young seedlings as well.. say a week old?

I’ve had my Autocobs down to 24” over new seedlings to stop stretch, no harm done. Every plant is different, so just pay attention to how it reacts. I usually have mine at 28”-30” to start out, then adjust accordingly.

Easy smoking! [emoji869]
30” is safe. You can definitely go lower but for the first time growers using with them I’d stay a bit higher.
My current run has a plant (Stress Killer I think) that I started at 35" and it didn't stretch one bit. In fact it is the lowest growing plant I've ever had and I've grown Stress killer several times. Oh the weirdness of strains.