Lighting COBs and MegaCrop - Any Additional Nutrients?

I figured I’d post a couple of pics of my crop. These have been grown under AutoCobs the whole time, with MegaCrop nutrients. Two plants, 61 days old – the one on the left is FastBuds GSC and the right is FastBuds G14. Both are growing in their native state, no topping or LST this time. This is my first grow, so I just wanted to see what they would do as planted. The GSC (on the left) is about 5’ tall and lanky, the G14 (pictured on the right) is full and bushy. It’s not near as tall, and sitting on top of a milk crate. The second picture is a shot of the frost on the GSC. The G14 is just as frosty, if not more so, but the picture I took came out blurry, so one will have to do.

I’m totally amazed and excited at the results on this grow so far. I estimate it will be another 30 days or so to harvest, as I think they have a lot more fattening to do. Smells heavenly in the tent!

20190102 GSC.jpg
20190102 GSC.jpg
I figured I’d post a couple of pics of my crop. These have been grown under AutoCobs the whole time, with MegaCrop nutrients. Two plants, 61 days old – the one on the left is FastBuds GSC and the right is FastBuds G14. Both are growing in their native state, no topping or LST this time. This is my first grow, so I just wanted to see what they would do as planted. The GSC (on the left) is about 5’ tall and lanky, the G14 (pictured on the right) is full and bushy. It’s not near as tall, and sitting on top of a milk crate. The second picture is a shot of the frost on the GSC. The G14 is just as frosty, if not more so, but the picture I took came out blurry, so one will have to do.

I’m totally amazed and excited at the results on this grow so far. I estimate it will be another 30 days or so to harvest, as I think they have a lot more fattening to do. Smells heavenly in the tent!

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I’ve grown the G14 before and she is a bushy little beast. Some really good smoke, but all Fast Buds genetics is good.
Hmm fast buds. I lost all photos only to find it on the fast buds website. Then I made mention of it and it disappeared. Good thing I screen shot it. I grew 4 I think very stable genetics. Lovely hashy hint of fruit frosty as could be and extremely greasy.
Hmm fast buds. I lost all photos only to find it on the fast buds website. Then I made mention of it and it disappeared. Good thing I screen shot it. I grew 4 I think very stable genetics. Lovely hashy hint of fruit frosty as could be and extremely greasy. View attachment 995517


Why would they remove it? Were you upset that they used your picture? I would have seen it as an honor for a breeder to use a picture of a plant I grew on their website.

Why would they remove it? Were you upset that they used your picture? I would have seen it as an honor for a breeder to use a picture of a plant I grew on their website.
I have no idea. I didn’t ask for it to be removed. It wasn’t the best picture. I was real freaked out back then about posting pics. Don’t give a anymore those were the blurple days too. Lol