Lighting COBs and MegaCrop - Any Additional Nutrients?

I am in my first indoor grow in a 4x4 tent using AutoCobs and MegaCrop, per the recommendations on this forum. I've also been adding some CalMag+ to every other watering. Having great results so far! My plants are entering the flowering stage, and I was wondering if anyone here also uses the Sweet Candy or Bud Explosion nutrients from Greenleaf, or if they are even needed with MegaCrop.
So here is what they say; No need for anything else!

Here is what I personally say: During flower, I think that N needs to be reduced while P and K need to be increased. I'm no pro but that's what I think.
To that end here is what I do: I reduce the MC and add Sweet Candy and PK Bud explosion.

Others my chime in with agreement or correction but that's my take on it.
Thanks @bushmasterar15 -- What the difference is between the Sweet Candy and Bud Explosion as far as results? I'm totally new at all this, and the nutrients have been confusing. I'm so glad I found out about MegaCrop before I invested $$$ in stuff I don't need.
Sweet Candy and Bud Explosion are totally different. Sweet Candy is primarily carbohydrates (sugars). I feed Sweet Candy (or use leftover equivalent AN Bud Candy) with every feed, veg through harvest. Bud Explosion is a serious P and K (bloom) booster product. I suggest you use both, or equivalents.

And I feed MC as base nutes at 4 mL/gallon from early veg. though harvest; and I may even add N (as AN B-52) if I see leaf yellowing due to low N. Most of my plants stay very green even when harvested - I don't get much of the expected leaf yellowing. I presume that can only be good.

But there are some (maybe many) that believe that less is better.
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Sweet Candy and Bud Explosion are totally different. Sweet Candy is primarily carbohydrates (sugars). I feed Sweet Candy (or use leftover equivalent AN Bud Candy) with every feed, veg through harvest. Bud Explosion is a serious P and K (bloom) booster product. I suggest you use both, or equivalents.

And I feed MC as base nutes at 4 mL/gallon from early veg. though harvest; and I may even add N (as AN B-52) if I see leaf yellowing due to low N. Most of my plants stay very green even when harvested - I don't get much of the expected leaf yellowing. I presume that can only be good.

But there are some (maybe many) that believe that less is better.
So you give bud candy in veg??? I’m currently using all advanced nutrients and am going to switch to mega crop
So you give bud candy in veg??? I’m currently using all advanced nutrients and am going to switch to mega crop
Yes, I use Bud Candy or Sweet Candy in every feed, from sprouting to harvest. If I'm also adding a carbohydrate/sugars supplement, such as CarboLoad, I only add 1/2-dose of each. My view is that these supplements feed the beneficial microbes (also being added).
Switch and cut the cost by 400%. That alone makes it worth considering. Never mind the quality.
I know I’m going to save a ton I really enjoyed the convenience of the ph perfect advanced has with their nutrients idk why I hate having to ph the water
I know I’m going to save a ton I really enjoyed the convenience of the ph perfect advanced has with their nutrients idk why I hate having to ph the water
When you use it for awhile it becomes easier. I start around 6.5 and end at 6.0. Once you know what’s needed you can just add the adjuster and you shouldn’t even need to check it.