Lighting COBs and MegaCrop - Any Additional Nutrients?

Nov 24, 2018
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I am in my first indoor grow in a 4x4 tent using AutoCobs and MegaCrop, per the recommendations on this forum. I've also been adding some CalMag+ to every other watering. Having great results so far! My plants are entering the flowering stage, and I was wondering if anyone here also uses the Sweet Candy or Bud Explosion nutrients from Greenleaf, or if they are even needed with MegaCrop.
There are a few that just use Megacrop by itself. I do add in Sweet Candy, Redline, Mother Monarch in my grow. This last run I did change up to a different bloom booster but still used the sweet candy.
Thanks @bushmasterar15 -- What the difference is between the Sweet Candy and Bud Explosion as far as results? I'm totally new at all this, and the nutrients have been confusing. I'm so glad I found out about MegaCrop before I invested $$$ in stuff I don't need.
Thanks @bushmasterar15 -- What the difference is between the Sweet Candy and Bud Explosion as far as results? I'm totally new at all this, and the nutrients have been confusing. I'm so glad I found out about MegaCrop before I invested $$$ in stuff I don't need.
The Sweet Candy seems to help with root growth and increase some of the flavor profiles of strains. The Bud Explosion being your PK booster helps out in getting some increase yields dense thicker buds when in the flowering mid/late of your grow.
So is the Sweet Candy used throughout the grow, or just in the flower stage?
I used it during the entire grow. Here is what my nute schedule was
Redline is 1-5-4
Mother Monarch is 0-52-32

I use Canna Coco bricks so my precharge to rehydrate is 2 grams Megacrop , 1 gram Sweet Candy, 8mls Earth Juice Oily Cann Calmag per gallon. It will take almost 4 gallons to make up their package of 40L brick. Then before I place germed seed into pot each pot get's 1.5L of the same nutes.
Day 5 from sprout they get 500mls same nutes
Day 10 750ml-1L same nutes
Day 15 1L same nutes and turn on airdomes if you have them
Day 20 mixed up 5 gallons of same nutes for the reservoir and turned on and final top water of about 1L each from the res to make sure the pots were evenly saturated and start drawing from the tray.
Day 30 filled reservoir with Megacrop 3 grams, 1.2 grams Sweet Candy, 8mls OilyCann Calmag per gallon, 1ml DripClean per 10 Liters
Day 40 @ 4g Megacrop and 1.2g Sweet Candy, 8mls OilyCann Calmag can start adding Redline 1.2 grams per gallon, 1ml DripClean per 10 Liters
Day 50 @ 4g Megacrop and 1.2g Sweet Candy, 8mls OilyCann Calmag, 1.2 grams Redline, 0.5 grams Mother Monarch per gallon, 1ml DripClean per 10 Liters
@bushmasterar15 I will keep this in mind if I decide to ever grow hydro. I'm currently growing in soil, but will get some of the Sweet Candy and Bud Explosion to try out.
Not really a full hydro grow since they are just bottom fed and growing in autopots with coco. But the megacrop feed schedule is pretty close to what others are using in other mediums.