
May 29, 2016
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Hey What up AF FAM!

So far I am BRAND NEW to growing and been doing tons of research past few days on lights and now know I am going with LED's. I am going to be growing in a closet with a 24x48x60 tent; LINK HERE

I already ordered some Mephisto Genetics seeds (Fantasmo Express, ChemDogging & Ripleys OG) which I cant wait to get. Im going to be doing 2 plants at a time (personal stash) hoping to get at least 2-3oz each plant my first grow.

During my research the past few days on COB LED systems I came across

Im not a huge DIY guy and don't have the time / knowledge to physically make the whole system myself with sodering, getting chips etc. Wicked grow lights are made in America in NC and look to be pretty new company. I couldnt find anything on here.

I was going to get the Banshee 216W 34" COB LED Full Spectrum Grow Lights:!product-page/cvb4/86f52fd0-9081-6a95-b1c7-ead41000209b

I dont think I will need that much power and was starting to think of going with 2 of The Cyclopses and upgrading the bulbs upon arrival.

What are your thoughts about the systems? Should I just grab 2 Mars 300w Hydros, go with another Wicked Grow LED option, or something totally different?

Thanks again and I appreaciate you reading my post to this point. It means a lot and thanks for any help
I'm not sure what cobs those are but they're are better options made in America. They don't seem to say specifically the actual light output anywhere. I usually steer clear from companies that don't give you ppf, ppfd over a certain area, even total lumen output is acceptable for white light.

Designed for a 2'x4'(other options available)
For $650 I would pass on the Wicked fixture that's just crazy price. I know you said you are not much of a DIY guy but the Timber Grow Lights 200w cxb3590 kit is $399.00. It used top of the line Cree cxb3950 COB's (which most all DIY'ers are using), Meanwell driver and is already wired on passive cooling heatsinks. All you would need to do is figure out a hanging solution. Doing the math the Timber kit is just a little more than the cost of parts if you were doing a complete DIY fixture.

Now as for the MarsHydro 300w old model. Sure it's not the greatest million buck fixture but let me tell you this it will grow a heck of a good's is mine from a MarsHydro 300w old model. This is a Mephisto Sour Crack.....1,030 grams wet, 190 dry!!!

As @Atulip said I have a tasty fixture and I like it. Also look into pacific led. Noob a tulip knows his LEDs so I listened to him.
If conditions are right proper ambient temps 80 degrees 50% and under relative humidity and a nutrient solution that is dialed and oustanding air circulation epistar with cheap drivers ran on a 24\7 regime grow wicked plants gram to two grams a watt easy peasy. Not if but when cree cbx and the meamwell drivers drop in price then I will look at a fixture prebuilt but right now I cannot justify it.
That is a good price I hope you get years and years of great sucsess with them Andi take care