Lighting COB LED and heat

Helpful as always, Arthur. Thanks. I'm gonna ask around and see what some other folks say as well.
Helpful as always, Arthur. Thanks. I'm gonna ask around and see what some other folks say as well.
When I made the change over to LED, I spent forever trying to figure it all out, confusing to say the least. I finally started watching lots and lots of YouTube vids of "review grows" etc, I found many showed fantastic veg grows, but by the time harvest came, had stopped updating. Lots of great lights out there, if I could, I'd have a chilled 600 hanging in a sealed setup... but I can't own a Ferrari either... look thru grows you like, and see what others that are successful are using.
Unfortunately, as our community has expanded with legalization, it has brought another group to ours, and this one is only interested in a different kind of green we have.
When my 400w hps crashed, I upgraded to my first 600w led a few months ago in my 3x2x5 tent, and soon added another 600w led, then a 55w autocob, and a 75w rapidled cob.
I know the leds are only pulling 125w from the wall each but my plants have loved the added lights and are giving me some 2-3 oz of herb out of 2 ltr pots.
All these years, I was happy with low yeilds as it was perpetual and kept me off the streets looking...but now, I'm having to make friends to keep my stock smoked!
I'm with the group says dimmable =yes.
Hello, everyone. I have a 3 x 3 (36 x 36 x 72 to be exact) grow space and will be upgrading from a 250 watt HPS to a 1200 watt cob led (it will be drawing 360 watts from the wall).

I know LED lights give off less heat than an HPS but what can I expect heat wise from this upgrade?


As Arthur points out watts eventually turn to heat, and 350 LED watts hitting an inorganic absorbing surface will make it get hotter than 250 watts.
There's another factor to consider.
Some of those watts from the lights will become chemical energy in the plants as they grow, instead of becoming heat. That energy gets released when the plant matter burns or decays.
When the plants get bigger they'll transpire to help cool the tent.
I don't think you'll have a heat problem after the plants get big enough to absorb most of the light.

I have a 3 x 3 with a 325 W (actual) Platinum blurple, and have no heat problems.