Auto orangebud

Update on my Mephisto SODK under an Autocob. She is Day 48 and has stopped stretching and starting to set on some nice buds. Defoliated 20 or so big fan leaves that were shading the center bud sites. I've got her on 850 ppm of bloom nutes. Jumped her to 900 one feeding and got just a touch of tip burn, so I know I am where I need to be. She has been a very light eater and fast grower. Looking forward to some massive colas. Cross my fingers.:smoking:
Shorted everybody on pictures last week so took her out of the tent for this photo session.:kiss:
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What up Gladiators! Looks like all is well in most of the grows! I saw a few with issues, hopefully those get figured out and things get back on track for those with minor probs! We're on the home stretch. A little more than 4 weeks left!

We are missing updates from @Kingflipper @AJrexxx and @Bliciu86. If you are still in the comp please post a pic!
Day 39 update @Ripper @Prophetiko The girl in the front center is the contestant. The lights were flipped last night to 12/12. The plants are about 16" tall. The 4 Monster Profits (left and center) are all doing well. They are very homogeneous; with all plants displaying the same phenotype. Both phenos of the Blue Brilliants (right) are doing well now. As soon as they begin to flower they will get defoliated below the net; some light is still reaching the lower leaves. Looks like I am going to miss the deadlines for the finish of this leg but that is ok since I have a free ride into the COB grower of the year by winning last year. I am using 730nm leds at lights out to speed the plants into flower and I have shaved as many as 10 days off of previous flowering times in the past. Even with that I don't like my chances.
