Old Reviews co2 injection in a 4x4x7 tent?

If your heaters burn LP or Propane gas, they do the same thing. LP/Propane burn very cleanly, producing very little carbon momoxide.

Annnnd that is why @pop22 is the MAN! Hey so riddle me this pop, what is the difference in the Co2 burners that use LP and the four convection heaters I bought like this View attachment 635036 is there something I am missing, it just seems too easy that I need to heat my outdoor grow room or indoor greenhouse whichever you would like to call it and I am using these heaters shouldn't that be doing the exact same thing as one of these but with the added benefit of the heat
If your heaters burn LP or Propane gas, they do the same thing. LP/Propane burn very cleanly, producing very little carbon momoxide.

That is what I thought and since I am actually building the thing now I was just tryin to make sure I have all my T's crossed and I's dotted if you know what I mean.
if you can't control the intake air, your just wasting CO2. You have to stop both fans. Also, the make damper valves that go in the fan ducts. these valves close when the fan shuts off. they prevent airflow in/out of the tent while fans are of. Would be better to get you temps down too. Also, CO2 won't do much unless your running LOTS of light.

So you need three things to use CO2 enrichment properly:

Regulated CO2 flow, 800-1200ppms.

Temps maintained between 80-95F

High PPF light in the range of 800-1100 ppf

Also, you need to maintain the higher levels of CO2 thru out the light period you could do 30min on, 15 off with your setup. let the temp rise to 95-99F
A large room with mini-split type air conditioning works best. In a tent, you can get air chillers that go inline with a duct fan to cool incoming air. This can cool the tent a bit more and more quickly, extending the period the fans can be off, and shortening the exhaust peroid, meaning the plants will be exposed to high CO2 levels longer.

This is why you don't see many people using CXO2 effectively in tent as a proper set up is expensive.

@pop22 have you seen this thread im linking - very informative, very specific backed up with scientific literature. I know you're very knowledgeable all ready but as I skimmed the thread that i have linked i'm sure i read that "turning the fans off makes no difference" would you take a look and let me know what you think

Thanks for the link. However I've learned that studies done on one strain may not apply or apply fully, to other species. Other than that, I agree that high levels are not needed and likely to be detrimental. Sadly, most standard CO2 injection systems have crude controls and many are very limited in the range they cover. Also, you may want to take the time to skim the study. Unless he/we have read the entire study, the thread may be cherry-picking data.

Also, if you don't control airflow you waste huge amount of expensive CO2. You also need to regulate temperature. The simplest means is to use dampers in the air ducts. Unless your lucky enough to have a seal room with a mini-split and humidity control. In a tent you need to airflow control.
Thanks for the link. However I've learned that studies done on one strain may not apply or apply fully, to other species. Other than that, I agree that high levels are not needed and likely to be detrimental. Sadly, most standard CO2 injection systems have crude controls and many are very limited in the range they cover. Also, you may want to take the time to skim the study. Unless he/we have read the entire study, the thread may be cherry-picking data.

Also, if you don't control airflow you waste huge amount of expensive CO2. You also need to regulate temperature. The simplest means is to use dampers in the air ducts. Unless your lucky enough to have a seal room with a mini-split and humidity control. In a tent you need to airflow control.
@pop22 Thanks for the reply pop's a couple of things, 1 - Could you recommend a CO2 injection system that would cover a large sealed bedroom 2 - I dont ever want to turn my carbon filter off I run my lights 24/7 on my autos, the thread that was originally linked states in several places from the main author that there is no need to turn your filter off as it does not take co2 from the air he is quite clear on this point i believe would you agree with this ?

Kind Regards
The Pear
Afe you ejecting the air from the room/tent? If so, your pumping out CO2 also. If your drawing outside air in, your diluting the CO2, there is on way not to with intake and exhaust running to not deplete the CO2. In a sealed room? sure filtering the internal room air is fine, it keeps dust, etc down as well as odor. it has no affect on CO2.

I'll see what I can reccomend. it may be a day or two.

@pop22 Thanks for the reply pop's a couple of things, 1 - Could you recommend a CO2 injection system that would cover a large sealed bedroom 2 - I dont ever want to turn my carbon filter off I run my lights 24/7 on my autos, the thread that was originally linked states in several places from the main author that there is no need to turn your filter off as it does not take co2 from the air he is quite clear on this point i believe would you agree with this ?

Kind Regards
The Pear
Buy most any CO2 regulator, they are pretty much all the same. You can find them for around $60.
I found a very nice digital controller for $199. 100 ppm to 9950. Adjustable in 50 ppm increments.
Most are over $400! ( its pure thievery, they add $2 worth of electronics and double the price... ). here's a link:

Amazon product
Thank you pops that's really appreciated mate

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