Old Reviews co2 injection in a 4x4x7 tent?

Apr 18, 2016
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I thought I'd throw this out there, to see if anyone has any pointers. @derek420colorado

First of all, I know this isn't an ideal setup, seeing tents are far from sealed. And, I'm aware of the negative contribution to the atmosphere. I got this tank for nothing, figured I'd use it, once. Unless I opt for a sealed environment, in the future.

I don't have a co2 meter, and don't plan on getting one. Atm, anyway.

So, I have a tank with a regulator, perforated hose to "rain" over the canopy., running around the edge of tent.
My tent is 112 cf. (4x4x7)
I'm assuming the air is 300ppm - 400ppm, now. I am thinking of adding 1200ppm in intervals, 3x a day.
112 x .0012 = .134cf co2 needed.
Tent is 83f. With exhaust fan off temp rises to 85f in 3 min., 10 min./90f, 25 min./93f.
Temps seem very acceptable. I think I can set timer on exaust to shut off 1 hour after lights on (I am running 20/4 with PLC cx300 and 2ft, 4 bulb t5), 5 min. later, co2 comes on, for 20 - 30 min?
Not sure when to start exhaust again. 5 min. after co2, 10 min, half hour???

My biggest concern: Exhaust can be on a timer, passive intake can't. There is no way I can manually close and open intake 3x a day. With plenty of air circulation, how much co2 can I expect to lose through intake? Should I try to compensate with a bit more co2?

Is there anything else I am missing here? Any and all advice will be rewarded...to me, of course. :)
I thought I'd throw this out there, to see if anyone has any pointers. @derek420colorado

First of all, I know this isn't an ideal setup, seeing tents are far from sealed. And, I'm aware of the negative contribution to the atmosphere. I got this tank for nothing, figured I'd use it, once. Unless I opt for a sealed environment, in the future.

I don't have a co2 meter, and don't plan on getting one. Atm, anyway.

So, I have a tank with a regulator, perforated hose to "rain" over the canopy., running around the edge of tent.
My tent is 112 cf. (4x4x7)
I'm assuming the air is 300ppm - 400ppm, now. I am thinking of adding 1200ppm in intervals, 3x a day.
112 x .0012 = .134cf co2 needed.
Tent is 83f. With exhaust fan off temp rises to 85f in 3 min., 10 min./90f, 25 min./93f.
Temps seem very acceptable. I think I can set timer on exaust to shut off 1 hour after lights on (I am running 20/4 with PLC cx300 and 2ft, 4 bulb t5), 5 min. later, co2 comes on, for 20 - 30 min?
Not sure when to start exhaust again. 5 min. after co2, 10 min, half hour???

My biggest concern: Exhaust can be on a timer, passive intake can't. There is no way I can manually close and open intake 3x a day. With plenty of air circulation, how much co2 can I expect to lose through intake? Should I try to compensate with a bit more co2?

Is there anything else I am missing here? Any and all advice will be rewarded...to me, of course. :)

As long as your exhaust fan isn't running you will be fine
What are your rwcommendations for interval's?
How long should I run co2?
After co2 is running, how long should the exhaust stay off?
Is 3x a day sufficient?

Yeah 3 times a day for 15 minutes out of the hour then let it soak for 15 minutes or so. Basically if your temps go up to 93 at 25 minutes I would leave em to soak for that long, So kill your fan and run your co2, oh wait I forgot about your tent size shit you already did the math right for your size and flow rate right? IE how many cubic feet you have and how fast the gas is coming out I can go back and look but I am just waking up and need to do daaaaaaaaaabs n stuff before I start fuggin with co2 flow rates lol
Yeah 3 times a day for 15 minutes out of the hour then let it soak for 15 minutes or so. Basically if your temps go up to 93 at 25 minutes I would leave em to soak for that long, So kill your fan and run your co2, oh wait I forgot about your tent size shit you already did the math right for your size and flow rate right? IE how many cubic feet you have and how fast the gas is coming out I can go back and look but I am just waking up and need to do daaaaaaaaaabs n stuff before I start fuggin with co2 flow rates lol

Haha, yeah buddy. I can do the math. Thanks D.
Yeah 3 times a day for 15 minutes out of the hour then let it soak for 15 minutes or so. Basically if your temps go up to 93 at 25 minutes I would leave em to soak for that long, So kill your fan and run your co2, oh wait I forgot about your tent size shit you already did the math right for your size and flow rate right? IE how many cubic feet you have and how fast the gas is coming out I can go back and look but I am just waking up and need to do daaaaaaaaaabs n stuff before I start fuggin with co2 flow rates lol

My tent is 112 cf. (4x4x7)
I'm assuming the air is 300ppm - 400ppm, now. I am thinking of adding 1200ppm in intervals, 3x a day.
112 x .0012 = .134cf co2 needed.

No hurry, just working kinks before liftoff.

My tent is 112 cf. (4x4x7)
I'm assuming the air is 300ppm - 400ppm, now. I am thinking of adding 1200ppm in intervals, 3x a day.
112 x .0012 = .134cf co2 needed.

No hurry, just working kinks before liftoff.


So Here is a great test to know if you have gotten it to the correct levels, now DONT go in the tent while it is full of co2 obviously lol but peek through the window thing most tents have. You will start to see the leaves dance and there is no fans on lol So you want to cut your circulation fan to at first and let it fill up then cut it on again to swirl it all around. That is if you can kill the power to the circulation fan
if you can't control the intake air, your just wasting CO2. You have to stop both fans. Also, the make damper valves that go in the fan ducts. these valves close when the fan shuts off. they prevent airflow in/out of the tent while fans are of. Would be better to get you temps down too. Also, CO2 won't do much unless your running LOTS of light.

So you need three things to use CO2 enrichment properly:

Regulated CO2 flow, 800-1200ppms.

Temps maintained between 80-95F

High PPF light in the range of 800-1100 ppf

Also, you need to maintain the higher levels of CO2 thru out the light period you could do 30min on, 15 off with your setup. let the temp rise to 95-99F
A large room with mini-split type air conditioning works best. In a tent, you can get air chillers that go inline with a duct fan to cool incoming air. This can cool the tent a bit more and more quickly, extending the period the fans can be off, and shortening the exhaust peroid, meaning the plants will be exposed to high CO2 levels longer.

This is why you don't see many people using CXO2 effectively in tent as a proper set up is expensive.
if you can't control the intake air, your just wasting CO2. You have to stop both fans. Also, the make damper valves that go in the fan ducts. these valves close when the fan shuts off. they prevent airflow in/out of the tent while fans are of. Would be better to get you temps down too. Also, CO2 won't do much unless your running LOTS of light.

So you need three things to use CO2 enrichment properly:

Regulated CO2 flow, 800-1200ppms.

Temps maintained between 80-95F

High PPF light in the range of 800-1100 ppf

Also, you need to maintain the higher levels of CO2 thru out the light period you could do 30min on, 15 off with your setup. let the temp rise to 95-99F
A large room with mini-split type air conditioning works best. In a tent, you can get air chillers that go inline with a duct fan to cool incoming air. This can cool the tent a bit more and more quickly, extending the period the fans can be off, and shortening the exhaust peroid, meaning the plants will be exposed to high CO2 levels longer.

This is why you don't see many people using CXO2 effectively in tent as a proper set up is expensive.

Annnnd that is why @pop22 is the MAN! Hey so riddle me this pop, what is the difference in the Co2 burners that use LP and the four convection heaters I bought like this
is there something I am missing, it just seems too easy that I need to heat my outdoor grow room or indoor greenhouse whichever you would like to call it and I am using these heaters shouldn't that be doing the exact same thing as one of these but with the added benefit of the heat