New Grower Citric Acid with Distilled Vinegar for PH Down

@Corgy, I think the vinegar also converts the calcium into the chelate version better than citric acid, but not too much vinegar to feed a bacterial bloom. That is why I dissolve a much higher ratio of citric acid into the relatively weak 5% vinegar. I do also use humic and fulvic acid constantly. The more chelates in the mix the better for me. It makes the nutrients more effective and keeps it all suspended. I always do a ten day interval between changes and use Hydroguard.
blimey.gif there some sort of mind meld here or wot..............I just received 10 L of 85 % phosphoric acid with the same in mind as you, got it for 38 Euro on (why does amazon links disappear, is there some sort of script on them or wot....?) in case anyone is interested. I also couldn't find anything stronger than 85 %, why not burn a few holes in the floor while we're at it, because
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That is hilarious. I always say I have esp or something. It is not that volatile. I put a drop on my hand for a second and it did nothing. It is not hydrochloric, or even sulfuric dangerous. Those would have burned me instantly, and I would not have tried that with those lol.
@Corgy, I also used Amazon for mine. That is where I get all of my grow chemicals I think.
You could try a three part formula using the phosphoric, citric, and distilled vinegar for experimentation. I would try a plain gallon of tap water with a few drops added and left for a week. Check the ph each day and see if it shifts or what.
That is hilarious. I always say I have esp or something. It is not that volatile. I put a drop on my hand for a second and it did nothing. It is not hydrochloric, or even sulfuric dangerous. Those would have burned me instantly, and I would not have tried that with those lol.

Don't think a second is an indicator......I will happily dip my moist toes in 30 % Hydrochloric acid.......but I won't leave them there for a second longer.........but yes, I wouldn't have gotten it if I thought it would give me.......and
You could try a three part formula using the phosphoric, citric, and distilled vinegar for experimentation. I would try a plain gallon of tap water with a few drops added and left for a week. Check the ph each day and see if it shifts or what.

You lost me mean, first play with tap water and phosphoric or........

By the way, I'm blessed with tap water with has so far been steady 6,8 pH albeit high in calcium, which makes this very, very interesting. I have calcium deposits on all my grow "vessels", Airpots, Autopots and a little more chelating chemistry in the water will do nicely!........might even give the dreaded so far unseen vaunted calmag malaise a........
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It would definitely burn if left on the skin. Just wanted to see how reactive it was. I meant if you do a mix of the vinegar, citric, and phosphoric I would test it in a separate gallon of water first to test its stability with my tap water. The vinegar and citric have helped stop the grainy calcium build up on my upper roots. You have some excellent water for weed with that ph and high calcium content. Mine has a ph around 8.5 out the faucet. I make it work for me instead of fighting it with filtration and all.
I ph my water with lemon juice for ph down, and baking soda for ph up. They both work well, keep stable ph, and are cheap!