Chopped a Dark Devil into Clones in My Eternal Search for Pollen


Sep 13, 2014
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So I've read a few threads lately regarding cloning autos for various reasons. I have been on an unsuccessful journey for pollen since I received my 1st autofem seeds. Running various batches of Ionic or colloidal silver. I've tried reversing entire plants, clones of plants, clones of clones (all autofems btw). All to no avail. I've completely burned up a plant, sprayed clones for months.... nothing. I was successful in cloning autos but unsuccessful in getting them to flower or drop pollen.
Some of ya'll may have seen my 4 purple thread. I ordered up a bunch of different purple strains as I fell in love with the idea of purple weed. I had some waaaaaaay back in HS, the 80's to date myself, and it was the craziest weed I have ever smoked. It literally put me in a trance for the rest of the school day. I digress.
So my 4 purps, Dark Devil, Berry Bomb, Red Poison and Black Cream (eventually backed up with a Blue Mammoth). They are divided in how well they are doing. They got the claw really bad. Two fought through and are doing well. The Blue Mammoth never clawed. The DD was the worst. They outgrew my growspace and I had to put them in a make do closet. So the DD was so spindly I decided to cut most branches off into clones to try and reverse them for pollen. I kept the top intact and potted it to grow out as it was the only decent looking part of the plant anyway. I also took a clone of the Blue Mammoth as it was doing so very well. I mean this plant is the best looking plant, cannabis or no, I have ever grown. Learning that wonky genetics are just difficult to work with, I decided to try and reverse her as well. The DD were a little further along showing pistils for a week or longer. The BM was taken near the bottom of the plant where the top has just now shown pistils, the lower has not. Hopefully I cut her in time. Not putting alot of hope on the DD clones to drop pollen but one never knows.
I was able to use my original growspace to put these clones on 12/12 for best chances of reversing them and actually achieving pollen.
Summary and pics to come next. Should be interesting.
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5 plants:
Dark Devil
Berry Bomb
Black Cream
Red Poison
Blue Mammoth

All got the claw except Blue Mammoth. DD was so spindly I cut her into clones to try and reverse her for pollen. Also cut a lower Blue Mammoth branch for same purpose. Thinking of taking a clone of each of them to try an nail down some pollen. Some autofem pollen to do some breeding with the purps. Really, really want to have 100's of these seeds to play around with, share, whatnot.


The 1st is just to show the claw, the 2nd is the DD that got the chop. 3 and 4 are what I have left flowering with the claw. Last is the clones and the top of the DD which I will let complete flowering.
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Did you know you can get Regular autoflower seeds, not just feminised?
When I noticed them at a North Canadian Seed bank, I thought " why would anyone want male autos?", but I would like to make seeds too.
I havent noticed them at other seed banks, but I havent really looked for them...
There are quite a few seedbanks who offer regular autoflower seeds which are about 1/2 male, 1/2 female. I would just order a bunch of those and pick out a good male, continue from there.
I thought about that back when I put my 1st order in. If I get a male auto, I won't get feminised beans. I've seen others do it, its not impossible. There should be no reason I can't make this happen! I just have to get the equation and timing right.
Now I'm on a mission. I am not going to let it beat me. I will win, just a matter of time. Hopefully, one of these purps will reverse for me. I've got 6-8 back up beans if I waited too long to spray these. Just frustrating but its all a learning process!
Yeah man. Hadn't figured out you wanted to go for fem seeds.
Good luck with it. One question though. Isn't it better/easier to try it on whole plants instead of on clones? I can see how autoflower clones would give problems.
Wouldn't the chances of succeeding be bigger if trying to reverse a few fullgrown fems?
Probably. I didn't think I was going to reverse any of this run until they presented "the claw" and a couple had stunted growth. I decided to chop the Dark Devil and as there were parts of the Blue Mammoth that had yet to show pistils, I figured to take a cutting and try her too. Since there have been reports of reversing just a branch at a time, I figured taking a clone and reversing the entire thing would work, seems it should work, no? Some reverse easier than others, the last couple I tried wouldn't reverse for anything. Not sure if it was the CS brew or the wonky genetics.
Now I'm gon do what I can with what I got! I desperately want to successfully reverse one of these girls. Pollinate another purple and have a purple cross. I want hundreds and hundreds of possible purple weed seeds, to cross, back cross, grow out, give away, you get the idea. I'm gunning for the craziest mix of red, blue, purple and black ever imagined.
Now that you mention it though, I have 3 beans in the oven right now. I may, depending on how these clones turn out, try to reverse one of these as an uncut plant.
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