Chinese Sativa? ( Yunnan - borders Laos and Myanmar)

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i have some wild chinese crostt too WW x Sweet tooth and some others early strains (some taste like sigar other like organse )?
i never go on with thise breeding becorse thise chinese can hande wet climethe (the go mold/funges kwik)
but if you whant them for you project i can sent you them
good luck and please keep us updated

sorry for my bad english

peace LBH
I brought back seeds from Vietnam, very clear sativa high, kept them going for years but the flowering time was just too long

Aren't the Vietnamese, Thai and other equatorial strains the very ones the hippies used to breed with Afghanica to reduce the flowering time? I hope you didn't lose access to those rare landrace seeds. You can make some awesome personal hybrid strains that will flower much sooner and have different tastes and effect.
Ace's Chinese Yunnan is definitely Indica dominant. I would get a pack of regular Yunnan from CannBioGen, same strain as Ace, better seed quality. I would breed your landrace with the Spanish bred Yunnan seed and continue to work with it looking for a special phenotype. A few generations could give you a mutant to make some awesome hybrids with. There's got to be something special in those landrace seed. Just too many generations of humans using them for food instead of medicine, but the genetics are bound to be there. Crossing with the Spanish bred Yunnan would be a very exciting project indeed!

Last update before I transplant her outdoors. Thats how she looks today:

View attachment 105655 View attachment 105654 View attachment 105656

A vigorous grower. I still have my hopes up that flowering time will be acceptable for this region. I will try to bury all of the stem so the main root system will be deep underground and she wont have a water deficit.
Hey LBH!
Would love to hear more about your WW x ST Cross and the Chinese Landraces (any Pics?)!!! Rich Tobacco and Origan Taste sounds quite cool! Did you have Different Phenotypes? Any Hermaphrodites? What region of China where they from? How is the High?

What aspect of the Chinese Herb was Dominant in your crosses (Grow Pattern/ Disease and Pest Resistance/Taste/the High)?

Would hate to see mine getting eaten away by Mold or Fungi! If they share the same weakness I definitely hope for a Male as he would at least have a chance to pollinate the Skunk #1.

Thanks for stopping by!:peace:


I tried to look up the Yunnan-Indica from CannaBioGen but didn´t find anything on theyr site. :confused:

I do not know much of this Landrace yet. I just liked the High and would like o see what these plants are like when growing them here. We will see what the future brings. ;)

I could not find any smoke reports of the ACE strain so I am staying clear of that for the moment. Any pointers where to find one would be appreciated!


I found some stuff about Yunnan Landraces on the forum (I hope it is OK I post an excerpt here...):

"...Yunnan Indica: It was stout with indica like plant structure, but had sativa like leaves and flowers. It was indeed not a potent line, at least the one i got a hold of. But i noted other qualities, above all the anti anxity properties. It also passed on structural traits that were very favorable, especialy good to cross to long flowering sats to tame them and make the high more balanced."

--->Maybe the ACE Yunnan-Indica?

Donald Mallard:
" ...Mr Moon could tell you more of it ,it is one of the components of his Zoid line... I recall his saying it had anti anxiety traits that he liked..."

"I also remember Sam Skunkman saying he went there and grew many plants ,from seed collected, lack of potency was noted, but said it could well have been building blocks for the thai and afghan strains as he saw examples of both from what i recall him writing .."

"I recall Sam saying if you grew enough numbers of the Yunnan plants you would find everything from a indica archetype to a sativa similar to a Thai. Given how close Yunnan is to Burma and Thailand, I can see how the genepool would contain some similar genes. The Yunnan plants are truly wild so are bound to be highly variable."

Interesting stuff... :toke:
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