Indoor ChillFreds Perpetual Cannabis Adventure

A little tip because as you know the bom is a tough one see the pics in natural light with no flash it shows the pink purple in the flowers and we all love that I just noticed it with ure last pics
A little tip because as you know the bom is a tough one see the pics in natural light with no flash it shows the pink purple in the flowers and we all love that I just noticed it with ure last pics
Yea bro... im thinking about borrowing my exes SLR camera for some better shots!! Gotta bring out the heavy artillery for bom!! Lol.
Day 68 - yesterday. This weekend im getting them out off the cab for some better pics. The plant in the first 2 pics has been flushed for over a week but still hasnt started eating herself so im not gonna stress the axe...shes ready when shes ready.

Today is Day 74. I realized on day 71 that i had fungus gnats!!!! They mustve come from one of the automix plants...... so i decided to cut the purple, indica dom pheno. She could have gone another week but she was affected the most and she hadnt been putting on any weight since i started flushing her. She had gone through 11 days of just being fed ph 6.5 tap water.. i had some nematodes which are natural enemies to fungus gnat larvae.... the ones i have you keep in your fridge and add to your nutrient solution and they seek up and kill any gnat larvae they find when you water... works great! And after watering i top off the soil with fresh dry soil which prevents any recently hatched larvae to surface!! But since my 2 plants have less than 3 weeks till harvest theres no real reason to fight them. Postpones my battle with @budelee though since i dont wanna go in to a battle when fighting pests!!! I need to get all contaminated soil out off my cab and clean up first!!

Heres Brumhilda (the bom nom). Shes starting to get there. Another week or so with feed before i start her on a 2 week flusg... im having a hard time seeing that she would yield less than 200gs. Super dense nugs. She is showing some signs from the LED being only 18cm from the top of the canopy... the buds seem to like it though



Here are some harvest pics of the purple pheno!!
She is a real smeller!!!! A real heavy bubblegum like odor!!! I love it!!
i brought some of her outside to get some shots in natural light... only got one good shot though.


dry weight in a few days.... my usual drying spot where i normally maintain a 55%rh is atm at 90% due to this summer being utter crap. prolongs the drying process by like a week... argh.

My first germ test with my week old seeds didnt sprout. Not one off them... not surprised though. Now its been 3 weeks and i put 10 seeds to test. Hopefully atleast a couple will sprout....

A lot going on at work so i wont be around so much the next week or two. Peace!
After the purple pheno has been jarred a couple days, its time for a sample!! Smells great even without the initial cure... still a heavy fruity bubblegum smell from the grinder.
she was a small yielder... im gonna go get the dry weight in a bit...


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The purple pheno yielded 56 grams @ 64%RH. Its a real nice smoke. Since i have a different pheno from the same strain thats still cooking i thought id do my strain report when i sampled both. Gives this batch like 3 weeks to cure aswell... its been a busy week at work, and this weekend my sons having his birthday party but ill try to update on Brumhilda sometime during the weekend. Peace!

Started cleaning her up for bom but had to get going in a hurry. Gonna finish what i started either tonight or tomorrow. Peace!
Ok guys. Finished her up for BOM! Heres the bom pics for Brumhilda! Heavy defoliation late in bloom but shes getting the chop any day now..
BOM July P1.jpg
BOM July P2.jpg
BOM July P3.jpg

Im going with the first pic for bom! Peace