Photoperiod Cherry Triangle indoor Coots Mix 65gallon in a 3x3!

How long has it been since you watered? At RH 45%, pots dry up fast. Your plant looks healthy so may have used up water. Or, could be over watered?

Touch the top inch of soil to feel how dry it is? Lift the pot up to feel the weight compared to when just watered. If significantly lighter, may need to water.

You just had an outdoor run, where even if you don't water for a week, they may be fine due to roots being able to travel deep down for water. In fabric pots, you may need to water much more often compared to outdoor. In living soil, this is much more so. Most living soil requires soil to be moist at all times, so that soil life can be preserved/ multiplied.

Just throwing in my 2 cents as its been a while but no recovery for your plants. I'm not that good myself so I could be totally off LOL
Thanks for the weigh in! I actually watered her a little a few hours ago, as I noticed she was drooping more than earlier this week, and just within that time she is perking up a bit. I hope she continues, it’s a pretty noticeable lift so far :). I’m going to continue smaller waterings more often, it’s like I had forgotten how to water lol, the last time I had poured a lot on and pretty quickly. This time was less than 1/2 gallon and took me some time.
Thanks again BakEQ :pass:
I like to be overly attentive to my girls as well and have found over the time its best for me to water daily but only in small doses. I never get run off when I water and is probably only around 8 oz of water roughly per day depending on what stage they are in but that also depends on the size of pot im using. Its best to water slowly especially if the dirt in your pot has dried out because the dirt can form pockets that will just drain off the water and never get damp a slower water will ensure your getting all the dirt in the pot damp. Also from what little I know about organic amendments is that you don't want the dirt to completely dry out or it will kill off the micro biology that you are trying to create and it wont allow the plants to uptake the nutrients it needs.
I like to be overly attentive to my girls as well and have found over the time its best for me to water daily but only in small doses. I never get run off when I water and is probably only around 8 oz of water roughly per day depending on what stage they are in but that also depends on the size of pot im using. I have a bunch of seeds from my outdoor photoperiod grow if you want some I would just give you a few if you wanted to try em out they were crossed with a blue cheese autoflower though I was trying to obtain some fast flowering photoperiods so they could be auto or photo. If you are interested just PM me. Its best to water slowly especially if the dirt in your pot has dried out because the dirt can form pockets that will just drain off the water and never get damp a slower water will ensure your getting all the dirt in the pot damp. Also from what little I know about organic amendments is that you don't want the dirt to completely dry out or it will kill off the micro biology that you are trying to create and it wont allow the plants to uptake the nutrients it needs.
Yeah man, I love just sitting in front of the tent with the door open, soaking up some of that light myself lol. I got compost yesterday for the 65 gallon I’m putting together, I’m excited at the prospect of a more holistic living grow. Even though it’s gonna sit for a bit I tossed some basil, thyme, and rosemary seeds into it just for fun. Figure it may as well start working while it waits lol.
Right now I’m in a 10gal fabric, but like I said the clump of dirt still around her roots from the transplant wants to hold water longer than the new dirt. Another reason I think small waterings more often will be better. Man I’d love to see her leaves perk up even more.
She’s looking happier, still not there but maybe on the way up. Got my perlite today, a friend recommended subbing the peat in my Coots with coco, which I followed so far but I kinda regret. I was trying to follow a recipe kinda, and ended up deviating just like I always do. Eh, such is life. So thinking:
~30% coco/peat blend
~40% perlite
~20% compost.

I’ve decided to reduce compost and increase perlite based on a lot of opinions I’ve read and recommendations, but I’m open to anyone who has experience. The amendments I’m adding are the standard Coots mix from Build a Soil. They are designed for peat and not coco, hoping that won’t make too much of a difference. Using municipal compost, which was recommended by my buddy who owns a living soil company but against by most everyone else lol. Whatever, I’m excited. Rest should get here Thursday, I’ll mix it up then and we’re off to the races. Or should I say the train is leaving the station :headbang: Just an homage mes amis.
She’s looking happier, still not there but maybe on the way up. Got my perlite today, a friend recommended subbing the peat in my Coots with coco, which I followed so far but I kinda regret. I was trying to follow a recipe kinda, and ended up deviating just like I always do. Eh, such is life. So thinking:
~30% coco/peat blend
~40% perlite
~20% compost.

I’ve decided to reduce compost and increase perlite based on a lot of opinions I’ve read and recommendations, but I’m open to anyone who has experience. The amendments I’m adding are the standard Coots mix from Build a Soil. They are designed for peat and not coco, hoping that won’t make too much of a difference. Using municipal compost, which was recommended by my buddy who owns a living soil company but against by most everyone else lol. Whatever, I’m excited. Rest should get here Thursday, I’ll mix it up then and we’re off to the races. Or should I say the train is leaving the station :headbang: Just an homage mes amis.

me see what u did there, hehe :jointman: ppp
Still looking droops, but she’s picking up speed, . I’d like to wait until she is looking better to put the scrog net in, but if I wait too long she’s gonna get too big. Still planning on building the big pot on Thursday, which means she’d have to be moved again, but it’s not like she’s super happy where she is. I won’t mind getting out of this mystery soil, and then I’ll do everything I can to get life jamming in the new one pretty quick.
Visited a friend’s operation yesterday and he hooked me up with a feeding for my CT. Gave it to her this morning, we’ll see how she’s doing later today. He also gave me some awesome compost from CO, full of lots of living little friends. I’ll use it to inoculate the CT and the new 65 gallon. I figure for a couple weeks I’ll work on building life in the 65 and just set the CT 10 gal pot on top of it. Once I think the soil is ready I’ll move the CT into it and hopefully can switch her to flower a couple weeks after. If I wait any longer to flower she ain’t gonna fit in the tent lol. May change this plan, as I’m also trying to scrog her and I’d like to start that too once she’s feeling better, but I can always disconnect the net and reconnect once I’ve transplanted her.
Should get the nutes for my soil today, everything else is sitting in the basement ready to go.