Photoperiod Cherry Triangle indoor Coots Mix 65gallon in a 3x3!


I grow soil ecosystems that grow plants for me.
Cultivators Club
May 28, 2019
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Currently Smoking
Hi everybody!
After a nice outdoor harvest this year I couldn’t resist opening shop indoors.
I’ve got a 3x3 tent, 6” in-line fan, 400w remote ballast, and 400w mh bulb that I will switch with a Hortilux Hps when it’s time to flower.
Temps stay around 75 during lights on, 67 during lights off. Humidity is around 45%.
Soil mix is in a 10 gallon fabric pot, I have a 65 gallon that id like to get started up with Coots mix before too long, and plan on running companion plants like basil. The 10 gal is full of a mix I made earlier this year but didn’t use, not quite sure what went into it. Likely some happy frog, coco coir, dry amendments, and perlite.
Completed the tent on Monday, I had transplanted her on Sunday and she is pissed about that. I’m hoping she’s just adjusting, she had been fed salts before I got her and I’m trying to convert her to dry organic. Purple stems, drooping leaves, some twisting leaves, im hoping she will recover. I did a foliar yesterday, little cal mag, epsom, and silicic acid. Her soil is almost dry, starting to feel light. Next time I water I will check runoff, as I have not yet. Any advice on her condition would be welcome.
@Lungren @420Forever @Jc420bigbud @Waira @the green bandit
@HavanaJazz @FrenjaminBanklin

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They will usually droop for a few days after transplant. How did the root mass look when u did it ? Good to see the grow bug has landed inside with u.
They will usually droop for a few days after transplant. How did the root mass look when u did it ? Good to see the grow bug has landed inside with u.
I would say there was more light tan than bright white, the buddy I got it from had treated with carnivorous nematodes recently as he thought had a root issue going on in the growroom.
She’s still pretty unhappy. Hoping she will pull out of it, it’s been about 10 days. New growth still twisty, leaves seem unhappy, still growing but slowly, droop city. Not really sure about that soil mix, as I put it together months ago, maybe it was an experimental one. Is there a length of time this goes on that I should consider repotting?
Got my Coots mix nutrient and mineral blend on the way, my 65 gallon is ready. If things were going better in the tent I would hold off until after harvest and then start my no till, but there’s no reason not to just get started while I can afford it. Excited at the prospect of a living soil that has been put together by someone who actually knows what they’re doing. Think I’ll order some worms from work as well.
I keep having this vision that I’ll open my little 3x3 tent one day and outside will just be inside. There will be birds singing and butterflies puffing around, flowers and food and some fine marijuana. Think I’m gonna need a bigger tent.
Waxing nostalgic, hoping last fall’s gorilla glue is the first of many nice harvests.


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She is still asleep on her feet, but popping out new leaves every couple days. The soil she is in dries a lot faster than her original block of soil, so I’m giving her some extra time to really dry out. I’ll try smaller waterings too, maybe just a little bit more often. First pic is last week, second is from today.

The seed hasn’t come up yet, I’m wondering if the tent will be too dry once she does come up, humidity stays around 45%.
How long has it been since you watered? At RH 45%, pots dry up fast. Your plant looks healthy so may have used up water. Or, could be over watered?

Touch the top inch of soil to feel how dry it is? Lift the pot up to feel the weight compared to when just watered. If significantly lighter, may need to water.

You just had an outdoor run, where even if you don't water for a week, they may be fine due to roots being able to travel deep down for water. In fabric pots, you may need to water much more often compared to outdoor. In living soil, this is much more so. Most living soil requires soil to be moist at all times, so that soil life can be preserved/ multiplied.

Just throwing in my 2 cents as its been a while but no recovery for your plants. I'm not that good myself so I could be totally off LOL