3x Bum Wine Auto 3x Purple Snow Train 2x Grape Snow Bubba x 3x Island Vision 2x Tree of Life BX 2x Second Sight 2x Pink Predator x NYC Diesel
50%50 Coco/ perlite DTW - Greenleaf Nutrients Mega Crop, Liquid Koolbloom, Dry Koolbloom
This is my first combo grow on AFN. Vege room lights are 432w T5 HO Flower room is All 600 watt HPS, 4x3, 3x3 Scrog Tables - Clone room 50 watt t8 DIY cloners
Vegetative Room is vented A/c , Fans
Flower Room is sealed with A/C , Fans. dehumidifier, Natural gas Co2 Generator/Heat