New Grower Cheese Auto SOLO


30:1 years toker/grower
Jun 24, 2020
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Cheese (homegrown), Harmony Organic (cbd/thc)
Paging Dr Green, paging Dr Green
We have a New grower who started 3 autos at the end of April, beat the shit out of them, couldnt kill em, one still to be harvested, got 3.1oz dried and curing from the other two plants and because I'm allowed 4 but didnt really have room I joined a Solo cup challenge around the beginning of July. I don't want to carry this guy over the finish line in a stretcher like I did the previous ones.

Patient Triage Report
-Problem: leaves spotting / drying / dying
-Medium/grow method: soil; Promix HP in a SOLO cup
-Feed and supplements used: Green Planet Nutrients Dual Fuel system (6 bottles!) plus ProCal at 1.5 ml / L. Final concentration 700-800 ppm (0.5 scale) at 5.8-6.2 pH
-Water source: tap- dechlorinated
-Strain and age: Cheese Auto at Day 28 of flower
-Climate: 22-25C 40-50%RH (sharing space with another cheese auto to be harvested this week)
- Light used: SF1000 (100W LED QB) 24" from tops
-Additional info: interveinal spotting started weeks ago then abated with addition of ProCal calmag additive, then a cool road trip with low temps 2 weeks ago left her with dark spots on leaves which cleared up 24 after the return to the grow box and in the last 48 hours more spotting (tho different than the first time) and burned leaves. Also, last week was battling fungus gnats with a 1tsp / L neem oil soil drench every 2nd day.

What do you think? Don't say pot up, that defeats the purpose of the Solo cup.
Really saw increased damage yesterday
Saturday measured runoff for the first time in a while - 950ppm, been feeding 700-800 with every water (about 22 hours to dry the cup now) Runoff ph was 6.1
I always water the cup with 25-50% runoff so I don't think salt buildup but is it possible?
Or too much calcium? I've been supplementing with calcium with good results through veg. (1.5ml / L) time to quit? Scale back?
Oh yeah and so yesterday I just gave water to 50% runoff at pH of 6 and runoff was 6.1 and 222 ppm. Start alternating feed with waterings?

This was last Wednesday

This is now.

Thanks in advance to AFN healthcare
I know a guy.......... @St. Tom does Solo Cup like the Tango............

In the meantime, you did what I would do? I did notice you said a time to dry the pot? You don't want it to dry. 10 hours is the longest mine ever went before a drink.

I know a guy.......... @St. Tom does Solo Cup like the Tango............

In the meantime, you did what I would do? I did notice you said a time to dry the pot? You don't want it to dry. 10 hours is the longest mine ever went before a drink.

OK thanks! Is that because its a solo? or because peat can become a bit hydrophobic? or because microbial activity suffers? I thought the wet/dry cycle was important but maybe I am letting it get too dry. It's pretty much feather weight when I water but I'm terrified of overwatering.
OK thanks! Is that because its a solo? or because peat can become a bit hydrophobic? or because microbial activity suffers? I thought the wet/dry cycle was important but maybe I am letting it get too dry. It's pretty much feather weight when I water but I'm terrified of overwatering.
hello my growbro I've had a few that have had leaf issues like yours i just remove them with no ill effect but if it was my plant i would give her an alternative drink of calmag see how she goes but i also grow in coco, not soil also i see you feed to run off so your doing everything right to how i do mine but try not to let her get bone dry and if you need anything give me a shout
hello my growbro I've had a few that have had leaf issues like yours i just remove them with no ill effect but if it was my plant i would give her an alternative drink of calmag see how she goes but i also grow in coco, not soil also i see you feed to run off so your doing everything right to how i do mine but try not to let her get bone dry and if you need anything give me a shout
Hey there padre, yeah i had intended to be a soil grower. turns out promix hp is soilless peat with perlite. that confusion gave me ph problems on the first three plants for sure.
I actually just reread the ProCal bottle and it says "1.25 ml / L every feeding in conjunction with standard feeding schedule when needed"
I've been going slightly over the recommended dosage at 1.5ml and my tap water contains 41ppm TDS which likely contains calcium so.. could I be toxic?
or could the VPD being >1.5 be causing all this? i dont think so but im new.

eitherwho i'm gonna chop the foxtailed bitch in week 12 of flower today because this is just f'n ridiculous!
and raise the humidity in the grow box so i can get that vpd back down closer to 1
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checked the roots today. they look too brown to me so
water only ph to 6.1, 41ppm
runoff pH 6.4 with 303 ppm (higher than yesterday but i added a sprinkle of fresh promix and some promix root stimulator
and a piece of landscape fabric to the bottom of my cup to keep gnats out)
AND cracked the top of the main stem reinstalling the LST ffs

a bad day in the garden is better than a good day at work


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checked the roots today. they look too brown to me so
water only ph to 6.1, 41ppm
runoff pH 6.4 with 303 ppm (higher than yesterday but i added a sprinkle of fresh promix and some promix root stimulator
and a piece of landscape fabric to the bottom of my cup to keep gnats out)
AND cracked the top of the main stem reinstalling the LST ffs

a bad day in the garden is better than a good day at work
Live and learn its the only way but I think she will finish great maybe not to pretty though but who cares long as she smokes ok
If the roots smell sour it could be root rot? Use Botanicare HydroGuard.

If the roots smell sour it could be root rot? Use Botanicare HydroGuard.

Ok good to know! I'll get some of that you keep on hand.
I didn't smell them. I actually didn't really look at the roots either. Really glad I took THOSE pictures!
solo solocup cheese sf1000 stealth
I'm just gonna use this thread as a grow journal going forward so if an admin wants to move it, feel free.
Week 5 day 2 of Bloom
Today fed just less than 1/2 strength 0.8 EC / 405ppm / 6.0 pH to almost 50% runoff
Runoff approx 50% 1.3 EC / 630ppm 6.5 pH
Plant does not look worse.